首页> 外国专利> Process and system tecnolu00e0gico educational specialist in the area of educau00c7u00e7o midiu00c1tica, intended to formau00c7u00e7o and training on energy efficiency, through the device mu00e0vel interactive virtual presence and apresentau00c7u00e7o concurrently theory and Practice

Process and system tecnolu00e0gico educational specialist in the area of educau00c7u00e7o midiu00c1tica, intended to formau00c7u00e7o and training on energy efficiency, through the device mu00e0vel interactive virtual presence and apresentau00c7u00e7o concurrently theory and Practice

机译:进程和系统educaol领域的技术教育专家,旨在通过设备m u00e0vel交互式虚拟状态和apresenta u00c7 u00e7o同时进行形式和能效培训理论与实践


Process and system tecnolu00e0gico educational specialist in the area of educau00c7u00e7o midiu00c1tica, intended to formau00c7u00e7o and training on energy efficiency, through the device mu00e0vel interactive virtual presence and concomitant apresentau00c7u00e7o of theory and practice."The process and the technological system educational expert, in the field of education media for education and training in energy efficiency, the mobile device interactive virtual presence and concomitant presentation of theory and practice.In which it is inserted in the postgraduate education for energy efficiency and sustainability - p3es - is a project that using different equipment of data transmission and image and implanting single methodology / own, seek to realize the training Teachers of all areas of education, and relays the content specific.Strengthening the capacity of the scope of information processed, a permanent and universal. Provides actions pedagogicas educational for the rational use of energy and energy efficiency. Combines the transmission of knowledge of the specific area to the practical activities of the revision of the lighting system and replacement of inefficient lighting fixtures.The methodology and equipment applied impact in a direct way and indirect way in qualified teachers in students because they attended, making the information is transmitted effectively and permanently embedded in biu00f4mio / education practice.
机译:过程和系统educaol领域的教育专家,旨在通过设备虚拟互动和伴随的apresenta u00c7vel形成形式并进行能源效率培训。 “过程和技术系统的教育专家,在能源效率教育和培训的教育媒体领域中,移动设备交互式虚拟存在并伴随着理论和实践的演示。插入其中能源效率和可持续性研究生教育-p3es-是一个项目,该项目使用不同的数据传输和图像设备并拥有单独的方法论,以实现对所有教育领域的教师的培训,并传递具体内容。信息处理能力的范围,具有永久性和普遍性。能源的国家使用和能源效率。将特定领域的知识传播与照明系统修订和低效照明设备更换的实践活动结合在一起。方法和设备的应用对学生中合格的教师产生了直接或间接的影响,因为他们参加了,信息将有效地传输并永久地嵌入bi u00f4mio /教育实践中。




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