首页> 外国专利> Singularity method for preventing vehicle theft and ensure trouble-free movement of vehicles (cars, planes, motorcycles, etc.) to various emergency situations, including severe weather events (storms, fog, GRAD, snowfall, ice, ETC.) EMERGENCY stretch of road, if on the roadway of animals and birds On the Protection of the car, driver, passenger inside the vehicle and pedestrian traffic from death and severe injuries in emergency conditions when car collision with a pedestrian can not be prevented, to the exclusion of visiting MOVING driver of the car, HEALTH STATUS that do not allow trouble-free to drive a car

Singularity method for preventing vehicle theft and ensure trouble-free movement of vehicles (cars, planes, motorcycles, etc.) to various emergency situations, including severe weather events (storms, fog, GRAD, snowfall, ice, ETC.) EMERGENCY stretch of road, if on the roadway of animals and birds On the Protection of the car, driver, passenger inside the vehicle and pedestrian traffic from death and severe injuries in emergency conditions when car collision with a pedestrian can not be prevented, to the exclusion of visiting MOVING driver of the car, HEALTH STATUS that do not allow trouble-free to drive a car



FIELD: transport.;SUBSTANCE: for ensuring safe movement of a car in emergency situations, access into the cars of drivers, the health of which does not allow them to ensure accident-free driving, is excluded. Prior to the engine start and during movement there is ensured monitoring of the driver's biometric data and health condition. In case of deterioration of the driver's health there is shaped an executive signal locking the engine start. Car is forcibly parked in a safe place, the engine is locked, and the information about the case is transmitted to the ambulance station for accidents. Satellite navigation data is received, and the position of the car is determined. Information on the road area is received with the help of sensors with different wavebands. Potentially dangerous objects are identified. Received information, as well as information on dangerous weather conditions together with analysis of the road situation, is displayed on the car display. When it is impossible to prevent collision of the car with a pedestrian, use is made of an outer airbag in the shape of a cone or ellipsoid. In case of triggering the sensor for the pedestrian body movement in reverse direction, there are shaped control signals, upon which there is actuated another airbag which prevents pushing of the pedestrian on the road. Installed on the pedestrians independent radiators of electromagnetic waves. During movement there is exercised control over operation of the main vehicle devices. In case of fault detection, there are shaped corresponding signals, and, if the driver does not eliminate them, the vehicle is parked in a safe place, the engine is switched off, the alarm is activated, and a disaster signal is transmitted to the traffic police station. During the car movement there is constantly assessed a possible collision with another vehicle. When allowable probability is surpassed, the driver is notified about this danger. In case of the driver's improper reaction the vehicle is forcibly parked in a safe place, the engine is locked and information about it is transmitted to the traffic police.;EFFECT: there is achieved of accident-free movement of the vehicle.;5 cl, 9 dwg
机译:领域:运输;物质:为了确保在紧急情况下汽车的安全行驶,排除了驾驶员进入其车厢的状况,因为驾驶员的健康状况使他们无法确保无事故驾驶。在发动机启动之前和运动过程中,确保对驾驶员的生物特征数据和健康状况进行监控。如果驾驶员的健康状况恶化,则会形成执行信号,锁定发动机启动。将汽车强行停在安全的地方,锁定发动机,并将有关案件的信息传输到救护站以防事故。接收卫星导航数据,并确定汽车的位置。借助具有不同波段的传感器来接收有关道路区域的信息。识别出潜在的危险物体。接收到的信息以及有关危险天气情况的信息以及对道路状况的分析都显示在汽车显示屏上。当无法防止汽车与行人碰撞时,可以使用圆锥形或椭圆形的外部安全气囊。在触发用于行人身体反向运动的传感器的情况下,具有成形的控制信号,在其上致动另一个安全气囊,该安全气囊防止行人在道路上被推动。在行人上安装独立的电磁波辐射器。在运动期间,对主要车辆设备的操作进行控制。在进行故障检测时,会形成相应的信号,如果驾驶员没有消除信号,则将车辆停在安全的地方,关闭发动机,激活警报,并将灾难信号发送到交通警察局。在汽车行驶过程中,不断评估与另一辆汽车的可能碰撞。当超过允许的概率时,会通知驾驶员该危险。如果驾驶员的反应不当,则将车辆强行停放在安全的地方,发动机将被锁定,并将其相关信息传输给交警。效果:实现了车辆的无事故行驶。5cl ,9 dwg



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