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Method of analysis and forecast of development of the epidemic situation caused by socially significant airborne infection



1. A method for the risk assessment of occurrence of the epidemic situation caused by droplet infection, including periodic sampling within the boundaries of the territory, ongoing monitoring of patients, and the prognosis for the population within the boundaries of the territory, characterized by chtoezhenedelno determine the number (K) of patients within the boundaries of the territory, parallel exercise weekly air sampling and / or swabs from the surface in public places, while in selected samples, the concentration (Sprob) RNA viral antigens and infectious titer (ITprob) viral material, and meet the conditions: Sprob higher than the lower threshold and ITprob exceeds the background value of moving to a daily selection of said sample, and a simultaneous rise in the absolute values ​​of K and Sprob ITprob risk of outbreak / epidemic situation is evaluated as vysokiy.2. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that the airborne infections include influenza, measles, rubella and parotit.3. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that the indicator ITprob infectious titer is defined as a generalized concentrated purified viral material for cytopathogenic effect (CPE), the lower threshold for the receive ITprob background znachenie.4 found experimentally. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that the concentration Sprob RNA viral antigens was determined by polymerase chain reaction with fluorescence detection in real-time (RT-PCR) .5. The method of claim 1, wherein the average skorostrazvitiya flash / epidemiological situation is calculated by the expressions:., N- where the number of people
机译:1.一种由飞沫感染引起的流行病发生风险评估的方法,包括在领土范围内进行定期采样,对患者进行持续监测以及在领土范围内对人口进行预后,其特征是chtoezhenedelno确定区域范围内的患者人数(K),每周在公共场所并行进行空气采样和/或从地面抽签,而在选定的样本中,确定浓度(Sprob)RNA病毒抗原和感染滴度(ITprob)病毒物质,并满足以下条件:Sprob高于下限阈值且ITprob超过了移至所述样品的每日选择的背景值,同时K和Sprob ITprob绝对值同时上升有暴发/流行的风险情况被评估为vysokiy。2。权利要求的方法。 1,其特征在于空气传播的感染包括流感,麻疹,风疹和腮腺炎。3。权利要求的方法。 1,其特征在于,将指标ITprob感染滴度定义为针对细胞致病作用(CPE)的通用浓缩纯化病毒物质,即通过实验发现的接受ITprob背景znachenie的下限。权利要求的方法。 1,特征在于Sprob RNA病毒抗原的浓度是通过聚合酶链反应与实时荧光检测(RT-PCR).5确定的。 2.根据权利要求1所述的方法,其中,平均skorostrazvitiya潮红/流行病学状况通过以下表达式计算:N,其中人数



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