首页> 外国专利> How to build a dam corridors, formwork to be used in the manufacture of through corridors cell and corridor cell of the dam corridors

How to build a dam corridors, formwork to be used in the manufacture of through corridors cell and corridor cell of the dam corridors



The present invention further provides a technique to improve the filling of the concrete to the bottom below the corridor cell. To A before lift of the embankment on the concrete, there is provided a through corridor cell of the dam corridors, of the gantry to install a stand that corridor cell precast which a plurality of holes are formed on the bottom surface is placed and the installation process, and the installation process of the corridor cell for placing the corridors cell on the stand, the air gap of the bottom below the corridor cell to be placed on the stand, around the bottom of the lower corridor cell, and and Da the concrete around the corridor cell includes, and the pouring process of concrete that buried the corridors cell, as in the striking of the concrete, while confirming the filling situation from the plurality of holes, said to pouring the concrete in the gap on the bottom below the corridor cell.FIELD 7



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