首页> 外国专利> A method for diagnosing individual psychological determinants of formation and development of values ​​of his own life (TEST walnut-PALAMONOVA 'value of his own life' (TOP CSF)

A method for diagnosing individual psychological determinants of formation and development of values ​​of his own life (TEST walnut-PALAMONOVA 'value of his own life' (TOP CSF)

机译:一种诊断自己人生价值观形成和发展的个体心理决定因素的方法(TEST胡桃木-PALAMONOVA“自己人生的价值”(TOP CSF)


A method for diagnosing individual psychological determinants of formation and development of the value of his own life personality, including testing to obtain data on the primary rating scales, the management of test results, wherein reveals determinants of formation and development of the value of their own lives through the test items (questions) of two groups: ( 1) contain verbal descriptions of life values, aimed at identifying the role of each of these values ​​in the test and (2) life aims s to identify the thoughts, emotions and actions, presumably causes measurable determinants of the value of the individual systems; in the first group of questions typical of the following: - how valuable will make the lives of your peers for such additional resources as wealth, power, success? - how valuable will make the lives of your peers for such additional resources as a feeling in their different manifestations: love, friendship? in the second group of questions typical of the following: - How often do you feel interference in their lives outside forces beyond your control? - How satisfied are you with your real life? - vote on the proposed scale, how much you are able to control other people's lives; and the questions of the first and second groups are aimed at identifying the internal (how you feel) and external (as far as your peers feel) side of individual psychological determinants of formation and development of the value of the person's own life, interpreted in accordance with the mathematized synthetic theory of mental processes AN Smith as the
机译:一种诊断个人心理因素决定其自身人生价值形成和发展的方法,包括进行测试以获取有关初级等级量表的数据,测试结果的管理,其中揭示了其自身价值的形成和发展的决定因素通过两组测试项目(问题)来生活:(1)包含对生活价值的口头描述,旨在确定每种价值在测试中的作用;(2)生活旨在确定思想,情感和行动,大概是各个系统价值的可衡量决定因素;在以下第一组问题中,通常会出现以下问题:-对于财富,权力,成功之类的其他资源,您的同伴的生命将具有多大的价值? -在其他不同表现形式的资源上,您的同伴的生命会变得多么有价值:爱,友谊?在第二组问题中,通常会出现以下问题:-在不受您控制的力量之外,您多久感到干扰他们的生活? -您对现实生活的满意度如何? -以提议的规模投票,决定您有多少能力控制他人的生活;第一组和第二组的问题旨在确定个体心理决定因素在形成和发展自己生活价值方面的内在(您的感觉)和外在(就您的同龄人而言)。按照心理过程的数学综合理论,以史密斯(AN Smith)为



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