首页> 外国专利> 岩盤類の掘削部位からの掘削物を資材として採取することにより資材を製造する方法




To propose a method of collecting an excavation object from a bedrock in form of a shape capable of being used as a material.SOLUTION: A method of manufacturing a material by cutting a part of a bedrock appearing in a direction of drilling in an isotropic hard bedrock as a material includes: a boring process of boring at least a pair of two pores 20, 22 extending in a drilling direction from a drilling surface so as to be placed on a first virtual line extending in a direction orthogonal to the drilling direction; and a pressurizing process of activating pressurizing means in which one of the pair of pores 20, 22 is made into a pressurizing hole 20 by applying the pressurizing means in the hole and the other hole is made into an empty hole 22 having a smaller effective volume than a real volume of the pressurizing hole. The pair of pores 20, 22 are assumed to approach each other to the extent that the following equation 1 is satisfied, where L is a distance from a center of the pressurizing hole 20 among the pair of pores to a hole edge of the empty hole, and D is a diameter of the pressurizing hole 20. The equation 1 is L≤1.5D.SELECTED DRAWING: Figure 1
机译:提出一种以能够用作材料的形状从基岩中收集挖掘物体的方法。解决方案:一种方法是通过在各向同性硬质岩中切割沿钻探方向出现的基岩的一部分来制造材料作为材料的基岩包括:钻孔工艺,该钻孔工艺从钻孔表面沿钻孔方向钻出至少一对两个孔20,22,以放置在沿垂直于钻孔方向的方向延伸的第一虚拟线上;激活加压装置的加压过程,在该加压装置中,通过将一对孔20、22中的一个加到加压孔20中,而将另一个孔制成有效容积较小的空孔22比增压孔的实际体积大假设一对孔20、22彼此接近,满足以下等式1,其中L是从一对孔中的加压孔20的中心到空孔的孔边缘的距离。 ,D是加压孔20的直径。等式1为L≤1.5D。选定图:图1



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