首页> 外国专利> Mobile head end devices for the top of water infrastructure: existing corridor corridor of water infrastructure; corridor te; corridor cross and corridor elbow

Mobile head end devices for the top of water infrastructure: existing corridor corridor of water infrastructure; corridor te; corridor cross and corridor elbow



The mobile overhead terminal (1) is composed of a male mobile overhead terminal (2),The female mobile overhead terminal (3) and its respective square, anchor and mobile control elements are distributed at the top or side of the entire floating infrastructure to improve safety indicators, strengthen connections, and station connections, In infrastructure floating on water, especially cage rafts used in aquaculture, make necessary buffer or sacrifice between the top of corridor, corridor top, te corridor, cross corridor and elbow top. It has a male mobile head terminal (2) and a female mobile head terminal (3).a. Each is composed of fixed platform structural members, assembly, mobile constraint and mobile anchor system: Double bolt mobile constraint (23);3. U (24) three bolts;1. Semi cylindrical maciza rod "m" (26);And the semicylindrical maciza "H" (28)In both cases, they are formed by welding on the respective floating platform structural profile (4).
机译:移动高架终端(1)由公移动高架终端(2)组成,母移动高架终端(3)及其相应的正方形,锚点和移动控制元素分布在整个浮动基础架构的顶部或侧面改善安全指标,加强连接和站连接,在水上漂浮的基础设施中,尤其是在水产养殖中使用的网箱筏,在走廊的顶部,走廊的顶部,te走廊,交叉的走廊和肘部的顶部之间进行必要的缓冲或牺牲。它具有一个公头移动终端(2个)和一个母头移动终端(3个)。每个都由固定平台的结构构件,组件,活动约束和活动锚系统组成:双螺栓活动约束(23); 3。 U(24)三个螺栓; 1。在两种情况下,它们都是通过焊接在各自的浮动平台结构型材(4)上形成的;半圆柱形Maciza杆“ m”(26);半圆柱形Maciza“ H”(28)。



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