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Retrospective interference alignment for the MIMO interference broadcast channel




Retrospective Interference Alignment is a linear precoding strategy that seizes delayed channel state information at the transmitters (CSIT), improving the degrees of freedom (DoF) that can be achieved without CSIT for both the broadcast and interference channels. However, little is known for other channel configurations. This work studies the multiple-input multiple-output interference broadcast channel (IBC) with delayed CSIT, 2 cells and 2 users per cell. Although some of the schemes designed for other channels may be applied, they do not exploit the\udspecific topology of the IBC. In this regard, we proposes a precoding strategy that includes the concept of redundancy transmission, and takes into account that users of each cell are served by a common transmitter. Assuming that transmitters and receivers are equipped with M, N antennas, respectively, state-of-the-art achievable DoF are improved for ¿= M over N > #A, with ¿#˜ 3.5414.
机译:追溯干扰对齐是一种线性预编码策略,可在发射机(CSIT)处捕获延迟的信道状态信息,从而提高广播和干扰信道均无需CSIT即可实现的自由度(DoF)。但是,对于其他通道配置知之甚少。这项工作研究具有延迟CSIT,2个小区和每个小区2个用户的多输入多输出干扰广播信道(IBC)。尽管可以应用为其他通道设计的某些方案,但它们不会利用IBC的\ udspecific拓扑。在这方面,我们提出了一种预编码策略,该策略包括冗余传输的概念,并考虑到每个小区的用户都由一个公共发射机服务。假设发射器和接收器分别配备有M,N根天线,则对于==超过N> #A的情况,改进了可达到的最新DoF值,即= 3.5414。



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