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Relationships of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p’-DDE) with Testosterone Levels in Adolescent Males




Background: Concern persists over endocrine-disrupting effects of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) on human growth and sexual maturation. Potential effects of toxicant exposures on testosterone levels during puberty are not well characterized.Objectives: In this study we evaluated the relationship between toxicants [polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p´-DDE), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), and lead] and testosterone levels among 127 Akwesasne Mohawk males 10 to u3c 17 years of age with documented toxicant exposures.Methods: Data were collected between February 1996 and January 2000. Fasting blood specimens were collected before breakfast by trained Akwesasne Mohawk staff. Multivariable regression models were used to estimates associations between toxicants and serum testosterone, adjusted for other toxicants, Tanner stage, and potential confounders.Results: The sum of 16 PCB congeners (Σ16PCBs) that were detected in ≥ 50% of the population was significantly and negatively associated with serum testosterone levels, such that a 10% change in exposure was associated with a 5.6% decrease in testosterone (95% CI: –10.8, –0.5%). Of the 16 congeners, the more persistent ones (Σ8PerPCBs) were related to testosterone, whereas the less persistent ones, possibly reflecting more recent exposure, were not. When PCB congeners were subgrouped, the association was significant for the sum of eight more persistent PCBs (5.7% decrease; 95% CI: –11, –0.4%), and stronger than the sum of six less persistent congeners (3.1% decrease; 95% CI: –7.2, 0.9%). p,p´-DDE was positively but not significantly associated with serum testosterone (5.2% increase with a 10% increase in exposure; 95% CI: –0.5, 10.9%). Neither lead nor HCB was significantly associated with testosterone levels.Conclusions: Exposure to PCBs, particularly the more highly persistent congeners, may negatively influence testosterone levels among adolescent males. The positive relationship between p,p´-DDE and testosterone indicates that not all POPs act similarly.
机译:背景:持续存在的持久性有机污染物(POPs)对人的生长和性成熟的破坏内分泌的影响仍然令人担忧。目的:在这项研究中,我们评估了有毒物质[多氯联苯(PCB),二氯二苯基二氯乙烯(p,p´-DDE),六氯苯(HCB)和铅之间的关系。方法:从1996年2月至2000年1月之间收集数据。早餐前由训练有素的Akwesasne Mohawk员工采集空腹血液标本。多变量回归模型用于估计有毒物质与血清睾丸激素之间的相关性,并针对其他有毒物质,Tanner阶段和潜在的混杂因素进行了调整。与血清睾丸激素水平呈负相关,因此,暴露量变化10%与睾丸激素下降5.6%相关(95%CI:–10.8,–0.5%)。在这16个同类物中,持久性较强的(Σ8PerPCBs)与睾丸激素有关,而持久性较弱的(可能反映了最近的暴露)与睾丸激素无关。当将PCB同类物分组时,该关联对于八个持久性PCB总数之和是显着的(下降5.7%; 95%CI:–11,-0.4%),并且比六个持久性较低的同类物之和强(下降3.1%)。 95%CI:–7.2,0.9%)。 p,p´-DDE与血清睾丸激素呈正相关,但无显着相关(增加5.2%,暴露量增加10%; 95%CI:–0.5,10.9%)。结论铅,六氯苯与睾丸激素水平均无显着相关。结论:接触多氯联苯,尤其是持久性较高的同类物,可能会对青春期男性的睾丸激素水平产生负面影响。 p,p´-DDE与睾丸激素之间的正相关关系表明并非所有的POP都具有相似的作用。



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