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Il “Crazy Project” - Canale di Istanbul

机译:“疯狂项目” - 伊斯坦布尔海峡



It was late April 2011 when “the Crazy Project - Canal Istanbul”udwas proposed by the Prime Minister of Turkey, during his electionudcampaign. The proposed project consisted of construction of anudentirely new city, an airport, a seaport and recreational areas. Butudthe most important and striking element was a new maritimeudtransportation canal which is to be constructed as an alternative toudthe Bosphorus Strait.udAlthough the idea of an artificial canal is not new, since it has beenudinitiated without any consensus between the people and institutionsudin Istanbul, and no scientific or technical study about the feasibilityudand environmental impacts of such a project has been presented,udthe “crazy” project immediately set a large number of debatesudamong scholars and professionals.udThese vary from the legitimacy of decentralization of governance,udto technological and legal possibilities for construction, feasibilityudof the canal in operational terms, potential impacts of the canal onudinternational politics, economy, environment, international relationsudand urban life.udSince the only information about the project was a digital animation,udpresented in the election speech of the Prime Minister, there is littleudinformation about the scope of the project. Such large scaleudinvestments in Istanbul have caused extensive acceleration inudconstruction sector on one hand and social and economic shiftsudon the other.udThe “crazy” project initiated by the ruling party which is known toudbe ambitious in real estate projects has therefore raised hot debatesudacross scholars and professionals. A variety of articles wereudproduced in response, discussing the scope of the project and itsudpotential impacts on the environment, the city of Istanbul, Turkey’sudinternational relations and the economy of Turkey. However, theseudarticles often focused only on the fictional “Canal”, and neglectedudthe full scope of the project. Since the project is ambitious, large,udbut little is known about its exact location and land use pattern, ituddeserves an evaluation with a wider perspective than currentudarticles that may be found in popular science magazines or dailyudnewspapers.udIn this paper, the Canal Istanbul Project is evaluated mostlyudaccording to the speech of the PM, which provides basicudmotivations and claims for the project. The second group of sourcesudis the past ideas and projects of an artificial canal initiated almostud500 years ago. The third group of sources consists of scientific andudjournal articles published in the Turkish media after the speech.udWe try to describe challenges and limitations which the project isudlikely to face by implying a multi-perspective view. Then we speculateudon the implementation approach, basing on the currentudplanning experience and the recently approved Master Plan ofudIstanbul.udThe final discussion on the project is based on benefits/losses ofudIstanbul once the project will be implemented.
机译:2011年4月下旬,土耳其总理在竞选期间提议“疯狂的项目-伊斯坦布尔运河” ud。拟议中的项目包括建设一个新的城市,一个机场,一个海港和休闲区。但是 ud最重要和引人注目的要素是将建造新的海上 ud输运运河,以替代 bosphorus海峡。 ud尽管人工运河的想法并不是新的,因为它已经在未经任何共识的情况下被启动。在人与机构之间 udin伊斯坦布尔,并且尚未进行有关此项目的可行性 udand对环境的影响的科学或技术研究, ud“疯狂的”项目立即引起了大量辩论 udamong学者和专业人员。 ud这些内容包括治理权下放的合法性, ud的技术和法律建设可能性,运河在运营方面的可行性 ud,运河对国际政治,经济,环境,国际关系 ud和城市生活的潜在影响。 ud由于有关该项目的唯一信息是数字动画,在总理大选演讲中表示,因此 udinforma很少有关项目范围的说明。伊斯坦布尔的大规模 ud投资一方面导致 ud建筑业的广泛加速,另一方面又导致了社会和经济的变化 ud。 ud由执政党发起的“疯狂”项目,众所周知 udd在房地产项目中雄心勃勃因此引起了学者和专业人士的激烈争论。对此,有很多文章进行了讨论,讨论了该项目的范围及其对环境,伊斯坦布尔市,土耳其的国际关系和土耳其的经济的潜在影响。但是,这些 darticle通常只集中在虚构的“运河”上,而忽略了该项目的全部范围。由于该项目雄心勃勃,规模宏大,对其确切的位置和土地利用方式知之甚少,因此,与流行的科学杂志或日报 udnewspaper上的最新 udud相比,该udud具有更广阔的视野。本文对伊斯坦布尔运河项目的评价主要依据总理的讲话,为项目提供了基本目的和主张。第二组来源研究了近500年前开始的人工运河的过去构想和项目。第三组资源包括演讲后在土耳其媒体上发表的科学和新闻报道。 ud我们试图通过暗示多角度的观点来描述该项目很可能面临的挑战和局限。然后,我们根据当前的 udplan经验和最近批准的 udstanbul总体规划来推测 udon的实施方法。 ud对该项目的最终讨论基于 ud伊斯坦布尔的收益/损失。



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