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Studies of Leptospirosis in Natural Host Populations I. Small Mammals of Waipio Valley, Island of Hawaii




The small Indian mongoose, Herpestes auropunctalus(Carnivora: Viverridae), and the roof rat, Rattus rattus, and the Polynesianrat, Rattus exulans (both Rodentia: Muridae), are abundant in Waipio Valley,island of Hawaii. Two other murid rodents, the house· mouse, Mus musculus,and the Norway rat, Rattus norvegicus, are sporadic or rare in occurrence. Ascarriers of serotypes of the bacterium Leptospira interrogans (Spirochaetales:Treponemataceae), which is transmissible to humans, this assemblage ofintroduced mammals is of public health significance, for numerous cases ofleptospirosis, or Weil's disease, have been traced to the valley. Populationdensity of the mongoose was estimated at 2.3 per acre; for rats, it fluctuatedseasonally from I to 11 per acre. The serotypes icterohemorrhagiae and sejroewere found in the mongoose in a 40:60 ratio by the kidney culture method.Combined kidney culture and serological tests on 180 mongooses showed ahigh of 34 percent overall infection in winter and a summer low of 9.4 percent.Of 33 house mice tested by culture only, ballum was isolated from 21 andicterohemorrhagiae from two. One isolation of icterohemorrhagiae was madefrom four Norway rats examined. For 126 roof rats tested by serology andkidney culture, 68 percent of adults and 26 percent of young were infected; andfor 175 Polynesian rats, 34 percent of adults and 26 percent of young wereinfected. The Polynesian rat demonstrated a lesser persistence of the serumtiter phase of the disease than did the roof rat. Icterohemorrhagiae made up 95percent and ballum the remaining 5 percent of infections in the roof rat. Forthe Polynesian rat the ratio was 75: 25. Free-ranging rats under observationfor as long as 8 months acquired or lost infections, as determined by repeatedserological tests. The wet subtropical climate of Waipio Valley supportsconditions for transmission of leptospirosis among small mammals, andpossibly to humans, even in times of drought. No prominent differences wereobserved in the infection rates in the lower valley at 30 ft above sea level and1.7 miles inland at 120 ft. In the forested watershed of the valley rim at 3000 ft,conditions of infection by species of host and by serotype of L. interrogansmatched elosely those found on the valley floor. Tests of 152 water samplesfrom streams, ponds, and taro patches resulted in isolations only of saprophyticleptospires, although temperatures, salinities, and pH concentrationsappeared to be favorable for the support of pathogenic forms.
机译:在夏威夷岛的怀皮奥山谷中,印度洋猫鼬小名叫Herpestes auropunctalus(食肉动物:Viverridae),屋顶鼠类Rattus rattus和波利尼西亚鼠类Rattus exulans(均为啮齿类动物:鼠科)丰富。其他两种啮齿动物是家鼠,小家鼠(Mus musculus)和挪威鼠(Rattus norvegicus),是零星的或罕见的。作为人类可传播的问号钩端螺旋体(Spirochaetales:Treponemataceae)血清型的携带者,这种引入的哺乳动物的组合具有公共卫生意义,对于许多钩端螺旋体病或Weil病的病例,都可以追溯到该山谷。猫鼬的人口密度估计为每英亩2.3。对大鼠来说,季节变化从每英亩I到11。通过肾脏培养法以40:60的比例发现猫鼬的血清型黄疸出血和脂溢性关节炎,结合肾脏培养和血清学检测,对180只猫鼬的冬季总感染率高达34%,夏季总感染率高达9.4%.33所房屋仅通过培养测试的小鼠中,从两个人中分离出21个和猴头泻药中的ballum。从四只被检查的挪威大鼠中分离出一种黄疸出血痛。通过血清学和肾脏培养测试的126只屋顶大鼠中,有68%的成年人和26%的年轻人被感染; 175只波利尼西亚大鼠中,有34%的成年人和26%的年轻人受到感染。波利尼西亚大鼠表现出该疾病的血清滴定期的持久性低于屋顶大鼠。屋顶鼠中,Icterohemorrhagiae占95%,巴鲁姆占感染的其余5%。对于波利尼西亚大鼠,该比例为75:25。根据反复的血清学测试,观察范围长达8个月的自由放养大鼠获得或丧失了感染。怀皮奥河谷的亚热带湿润气候为钩端螺旋体病在小型哺乳动物之间传播,甚至在干旱时也可能传播给人类提供了条件。在海拔30英尺的下部山谷和120英尺的内陆1.7英里处,感染率没有显着差异。在山谷边缘的森林流域3000英尺处,感染的条件取决于寄主的物种和血清型L. interrogans与在谷底发现的那些不匹配。尽管温度,盐度和pH浓度似乎有利于病原体的支持,但对来自溪流,池塘和芋头斑块的152个水样品的测试仅导致腐生腐殖体的分离。


  • 作者

    Tomich P. Quentin;

  • 作者单位
  • 年度 1979
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  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 en-US
  • 中图分类


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