首页> 外文OA文献 >Філософська спадщина Аврелія Августина та Томи Аквінського як джерело місіонерських ідей католицизмуud(The philosophial hevitage of Aurelius Augustine and Thomas Aquinas as a source of the catholIc missionary ideas)

Філософська спадщина Аврелія Августина та Томи Аквінського як джерело місіонерських ідей католицизмуud(The philosophial hevitage of Aurelius Augustine and Thomas Aquinas as a source of the catholIc missionary ideas)

机译:奥雷留斯·奥古斯丁和托马斯·阿奎那的哲学遗产是天主教传教思想的发源地 ud(奥列留斯·奥古斯丁和托马斯·阿奎那的哲学思想是天主教宣教思想的源泉)


У статті розглянуто ідеї Аврелія Августина та Томи Аквінського, які вплинули на формування місіонерської парадигми католицизму. Зокрема, зосереджено увагу на розумінні філософами місії Ісуса Христа, а також на її зв’язку з особистою місією людини, та природи людини як джерела цієї місії. На основі аналізу думок мислителів сформовано розуміння їхнього впливу на формування католицької місіонерської парадигми.ud(The article deals the ideas of St. Augustine and Thomas Aquinas that could influence the formation of Catholic udmissionary paradigm. The purpose of our work is to revise different thoughts of aforementioned thinkers about theological categories of Trinity and the Holy Spirit, church rituals of baptization eucharist and anointment. Thomas Aquinas’ thoughts about practical moments of church practice are examined too. To get needed scientific result, we use methods of logical and historical analyses, hermeneutical method. On the basis of these thoughts and methods, we will produce a good understanding of how philosophical ideas could form some principles of Catholic missionary work. There are not any studies devoted to the problem of philosophical and theological influence at Catholic missionary ideas in Ukraine but there is some that deal with Catholic confession. Thus, doing this work we are trying to fill in the gap in Ukrainian science. Results. The ideas of St. Augustine and Thomas Aquinas became extremely important for Catholic mission theology. These thinkers had done a thorough logical analysis of Biblical text and church practice and answered a lot of questions about Trinity,human nature, and church rituals. Originality.The role of philosophy in the formation of missionary paradigm is really underestimated because frequently people think that missionary practice by itself forms main principles of missionary work. However, the role of philosophical theories is crucial for it, especially when philosophy and theology are interconnected like it was in Medieval ages. Conclusion.udAlthough they did not have a goal to form Catholic missionary strategy, some of its components can be clearly seen. Namely, these elements are: the leading role of Son in the mission, unity with God as the main goal of human life, personal belief and active demonstration of the righteous path to the unbelievers and performing of church rituals with taking into consideration practical moments that allow making Christianity more accessible to the others.)



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