首页> 外文OA文献 >Євангельська мораль як фундамент традиційної та сучасної православної етикиud(Evangelical Morals as a Ground of Traditional and Contemporary Orthodox Ethics)

Євангельська мораль як фундамент традиційної та сучасної православної етикиud(Evangelical Morals as a Ground of Traditional and Contemporary Orthodox Ethics)



У статті зауважується, що в Євангелії основою для етичного вчення є вчення про чесноти Бога і люди ни як дитини небесного батька. Тут моральним ідеалом виступає Ісус Христос як образне втілення чеснот.udЄвангеліє ставить моральний ідеал вище за природний і писаний закон, підкорює мораль лише божественномуudзакону. Відповідно, у житті індивіда та соціуму така мораль вимагає спонтанної поведінки святості та «дитини Божої», яка б демонструвала надлишок внутрішнього надприродного життя і благодаті. Із цих причин у православній традиції та в сучасній православній етиці євангельська мораль формалізується за допомого засобів етики чеснот, теорії екземпляризму та етики святості. ud(The basis of ethical teaching in the Gospel is its teaching about the virtues of God and man as the child of HeavenlyudFather. Jesus Christ is embodiment of virtues acts as a moral ideal. The Gospel puts moral ideal higher than naturaludand written law, subordinating morals to Divine Law only. Respectively, in the life of individual and society this moral requires behavior of holiness that would demonstrate an excess of internal supra-natural life and grace. For these reasons, Evangelical morals in the Orthodox tradition and contemporary Orthodox ethics is formalized via ethics ofudvirtues, theory of exemplarism and ethics of holiness. Advantages of virtue ethics over two other main programs of metaethics, i.e. utilitarianism and deonthologism, leave, nevertheless, undecided the question about why this « «third way» in ethics has managed to make more contribution into critics of its opponents than to building its own coherent theory.udThe main answer offered in the paper is that Anscombe, Foot, MacIntyre, Shokhin and their followers haven’t laid intoudthe basement of their new Aristotelianism what Aristotle himself considered to be the foundation of his teaching ofudvirtues – a theory of the goods. But this mode of basing arethic ethics leads beyond its limits, to «the fourth way», that is to agatological ethics. The article reviews the variety of narrative methodologies in traditional and contemporary orthodox Moral Theology and reveals universal instruments that could be used in textual analysis from the position of Religious Studies. The author suggests his own approach to classification of ethical position of traditional and contemporary orthodox intellectuals. Basing on this approach, he clarifies the discrepancies between (1) dualist theology good and sin, (2) monist theology of love, theology of theosis, theology of moral progress of man as Gods icon. Authors of New Testament conceive the human nature as created by God and as formed in an indissoluble unity of a mental, volitional, sensitive and emotional soul and an alive body. Perfection of the human nature is interpreted as God-likeness of a virtuous and wise person. Deviation from a way of spiritual self-perfecting causes deintegration of the soul in passions.udThe process of reintegration includes virtuous activity, natural contemplation of God and a created world and audmystical unity with God. In particular, he proves that contemporary orthodox thought, mastering the achievements ofudNarrative Theology, made special accent on the role of community that interprets the Bible and itself. Contemporaryudorthodox intellectuals, granting this central place to local community and moral person, consciously used NarrativeudTheology in order to interpret the ethical Christian tradition. Another contemporary orthodox researchers claimed that this accent on special significance of liturgical community and its spiritual collective experience, characteristic for ascetic tradition, betokens Post-Conservative type of orthodox Theology in Post-Modern times. Contemporary orthodox narrative tradition was investigated as a manifestation of religion discourse in the semiosphere of Christian ethics.udModernization of the Christian narrative tradition is shown as a process of its permanent adaptation to the «challengeudof a time» as well as to the ethno-confessional conditions. Transition from marginal structures of the narrative system to its nuclear structures determinates the transformation of the Christian narrative tradition. Theology of live transformed in theology of love and theology of peace.)
机译:该文章指出,在福音书中,道德教义的基础是神和人作为天父的儿女的美德学说。这里的道德理想是耶稣基督作为美德的象征性体现,福音将道德理想置于自然法和书面法之上,仅将道德置于神的律法之下。因此,在个人和社会的生活中,这种道德要求圣洁和“上帝的孩子”的自发行为,这将表明内在超自然的生活和恩典的过度。由于这些原因,在东正教传统和现代东正教伦理学中,福音道德是通过美德伦理学,示范主义理论和圣洁伦理学形式化的。 ud(福音书中道德教育的基础是其关于上帝和人作为天父之子的美德的教导。耶稣基督是美德作为道德理想的化身。福音使道德理想高于自然道德。分别是,在个人和社会的生活中,这种道德要求圣洁的行为表现出内部超自然的生活和恩典。出于这些原因,东正教传统中的福音派道德和现代东正教伦理是通过“道德伦理”,“典范主义理论”和“圣洁伦理”来形式化的。美德伦理优于其他两个主要的元伦理学纲领,即功利主义和反语言论,仍未决定为什么这个“第三”伦理学的问题。在道德上,道德已经为反对者的批评者做出了更多贡献,而不是建立自己的连贯理论。 ud本文提供的主要答案是安斯科姆,富特,麦金太尔,肖欣和他们的追随者们并没有在新的亚里士多德主义的基础上埋下伏笔,而亚里士多德本人则认为这是他的“ udvirtues”(商品理论)教学的基础。但是,基于伦理道德的这种模式超越了它的极限,导致了“第四种方式”,即反对辩护伦理。本文回顾了传统和现代正统道德神学中的各种叙事方法,并从宗教研究的角度揭示了可用于文本分析的通用工具。作者提出了他自己的方法来对传统和当代正统知识分子的道德立场进行分类。在这种方法的基础上,他阐明了(1)二元神学善与罪之间的差异,(2)一元爱神学,神学神学,人品德行神学之间的差异。新约圣经的作者认为人的本性是由上帝创造的,是在精神,意志,敏感和情感的灵魂与活泼的身体不可分割的统一中形成的。人性的完善被解释为一个贤哲人的神样。脱离精神上的自我完善的方式会导致灵魂在激情中瓦解。 Ud重新融入的过程包括道德活动,对上帝和自然世界的自然沉思以及与上帝的神秘统一。特别是,他证明了当代正统思想,掌握了叙事神学的成就,特别强调了解释圣经及其本身的社区的作用。当代东正教的知识分子将这一中心地位赋予了当地社区和道德人,他们有意识地使用叙事 ud神学来解释道德的基督教传统。另一位当代东正教研究者声称,这种强调礼拜传统及其修行传统的精神集体经验的特殊意义,似乎是后现代时期的保守主义类型的东正教神学。对当代正统的叙事传统进行了研究,以此作为基督教伦理学圈中宗教话语的一种表现。 ud基督教叙事传统的现代化被证明是其对“挑战 udof时代”以及民族的永久适应的过程。 conf悔的条件。从叙事系统的边缘结构到其核结构的转变决定了基督教叙事传统的转变。生命神学转变为爱神学和和平神学。)



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