首页> 外文OA文献 >Radiološka obrada mumificiranih ostataka iz Egipatske zbirke Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu Radiological analysis of mummified remains of Egyptian Collection of Zagreb Archeological Museum

Radiološka obrada mumificiranih ostataka iz Egipatske zbirke Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu Radiological analysis of mummified remains of Egyptian Collection of Zagreb Archeological Museum

机译:Radiološkaobradamumificiranih ostataka iz Egipatskezbirkearheološkogmuzejau Zagrebu 埃及萨格勒布考古博物馆木乃伊遗骸的放射性分析


Introduction: Mummies are animal or human bodies in which decomposition is stopped afteruddeath. The most famous are Ancient Egyptian mummies, that first appeared in third milleniumudB.C. and disappeared after the Arab conquest of Egypt in 7th century A.D. Medicine hadudinterest in mummies since first century, and although the attitude has changed over theudcenturies, they are still in scientific focus. Until the invention of X-ray it was impossible toudstudy mummies non-invasively, which led to destruction of this important cultural heritage.udAfterwards it was realized that they are a “window” in history of bioarcheology andudanthropology. ----- Methods and Materials: X-ray, CT and MR scans of 18 specimen from the EgyptianudCollection of Archeological Museum in Zagreb were done in University Department ofudDiagnostic and Interventional Radiology in University Hospital Dubrava. ----- Results: 16 out of 18 mummified remains were scanned on MR and signal on several pointsudof interests were compared with CT scans. Several unique paleopathological conditions wereuddescribed as well as unique artifacts. ----- Conclusion: Several samples were incorrectly catalogized, and two had obvious signs ofudintervention later in history, most probably during 19th century in the period calledud“Egyptomania”. CT remains method of choice in mummy studies, but MR as an additionaludtool can be extremely useful in identifying pathology of iv disks and differentiation of resinsudused during mummification. As this is only the second study with successful gain of MRudsignal with UTE sequence we strongly suggest further multicentered studies.
机译:简介:木乃伊是动物或人体,死后会停止分解。最著名的是古埃及木乃伊,最早出现在第三千年 udB.C。并在公元7世纪阿拉伯征服埃及后消失。自一世纪以来,医学对木乃伊产生了浓厚的兴趣,尽管人们的态度在上个世纪以来发生了变化,但它们仍然是科学焦点。在X射线发明之前,不可能非侵入性地研究木乃伊,从而导致对这一重要文化遗产的破坏。 ud后来,人们意识到它们是生物考古学和人类学历史上的“窗口”。 -----方法与材料:在萨布勒布的埃及 ud考古博物馆收藏的 ud的18个标本的X射线,CT和MR扫描是在杜布拉瓦大学医院的 ud诊断与介入放射学系进行的。 -----结果:在MR中扫描了18个木乃伊残骸中的16个,并比较了多个感兴趣点的信号与CT扫描。 ud描述了几种独特的古病理条件以及独特的人工制品。 -----结论:几个样本被错误地分类,并且两个样本在历史后期有明显的 ud干预迹象,最有可能是在19世纪的 ud“ Egyptomania”时期。 CT仍然是木乃伊研究中的首选方法,但是MR作为辅助工具可以在识别椎间盘的病理学和在木乃伊化过程中用过的树脂鉴别方面非常有用。由于这是第二个成功通过UTE序列成功获得MR udsignal的研究,因此我们强烈建议进行进一步的多中心研究。


  • 作者

    Čavka Mislav;

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  • 年度 2013
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  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 {"code":"hr","name":"Croatian","id":18}
  • 中图分类
  • 入库时间 2022-08-20 21:05:43


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