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An Analysis of Co-Teaching Instruction Provided in Teacher Education and Inservice Training for Special Education and General Education Teachers




The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) (2001) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA)(2004) call for students with disabilities to be given access to the general education environment. Currently, at least half of all students with disabilities receive more than 80% of instruction in the general education classroom (U.S. Department of Education, 2008). Although there are no direct mandates to use co-teaching, it has become the preferred model of instructional delivery within the general education classroom (Pugach u26 Blanton, 2011).General and special education teachers need to be provided instruction on the fundamentals of co-teaching in their preservice and in-service training (Pugach u26 Winn, 2011). Teachers are often not prepared to co-teach in their preservice education programs nor given the support during in-service trainings. The level and types of co-teaching instruction skills provided in preservice and in-service trainings were explored in this study, by distributing an online questionnaire to licensed general and special education teachers.The data analysis of the results in this study indicated that special education teachers receive more co-teaching training than general education teachers during their preservice education programs in all six areas (e.g., co-teaching models, co-communication, co-planning/preparation, co-instruction, co-conflict resolution, and co-follow through). According to the data analysis, special education teachers received more training in three categories of co-teaching: (a) co-teaching models, co-instructional skills, and co-follow through skills than general education teachers during their in-service trainings. The data analysis indicated that special and general education teachers receive limited in-service training in the areas of co-communication skills, co-planning/preparation skills, and co-conflict resolution skills.
机译:《禁止留守儿童法案》(NCLB)(2001年)和《残疾人教育改善法案》(IDEA)(2004年)呼吁让残疾学生有机会进入普通教育环境。目前,至少有一半的残疾学生在普通教育课堂上接受了80%以上的教学(美国教育部,2008年)。尽管没有直接授权使用协同教学,但它已成为通识教育课堂中教学交付的首选模式(Pugach u26 Blanton,2011)。需要向通识教育和特殊教育教师提供有关协同教学基础知识的指导-培训他们的职前和在职培训(Pugach u26 Winn,2011)。教师通常不准备在职前教育课程中共同授课,也没有在职培训期间获得支持。通过向授权的普通和特殊教育教师分发在线问卷调查,探索了在职前和在职培训中提供的共同教学指导技能的水平和类型。本研究结果的数据分析表明,特殊教育在所有六个领域(例如,共同教学模式,共同沟通,共同计划/准备,共同指导,共同解决冲突和共同解决问题)的职前教育计划中,教师接受的联合教学培训要比普通教育教师多。继续)。根据数据分析,特殊教育教师在三类联合教学中接受了更多的培训:(a)与在职培训中的普通教育教师相比,联合教学模型,联合教学技能和共同跟进技能。数据分析表明,特殊教育和普通教育教师在共同沟通技能,共同计划/准备技能和共同解决冲突技能方面接受的在职培训有限。


  • 作者

    Howerter Catherine S.;

  • 作者单位
  • 年度 2013
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  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 English
  • 中图分类


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