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Exploring the role of vitamin E in Alzheimer’s disease : an epidemiological and clinical perspective




Vitamin E, the main non-enzymatic lipophylic antioxidant in the human body, has a major role inprotecting the brain from damage mediated by free radicals. The term vitamin E encompasses eightnatural congeners (forms): four tocopherols and four tocotrienols, named α, β, γ, and δ. Mostinvestigation of vitamin E in relation to dementia and Alzheimer´s disease (AD) has focused primarilyonly on α-tocopherol, with conflicting findings. However, increasing knowledge regarding the biologicalproperties of vitamin E provides a strong biological rationale that other forms of vitamin E, beyond justα-tocopherol, may play a role in AD pathogenesis.The aim of the present project is to investigate the relation of all eight natural vitamin E forms with mildcognitive impairment (MCI) and AD in older adults, by combining both an epidemiological and a clinicbasedapproach.Study I. Plasma levels of all eight natural vitamin E forms, and markers of vitamin Eoxidative/nitrosative damage (α-tocopherylquinone, 5-nitro-γ-tocopherol), were investigated in subjectswith AD, MCI, and normal cognition (CN) in a clinical-based, multi-centre European study(AddNeuroMed Project). Compared to CN subjects, AD and MCI cases had lower plasma levels of totaltocopherols, total tocotrienols and total vitamin E. Both MCI and AD cases had 85% lower odds to be inthe highest tertile of plasma total tocopherols and total vitamin E, and they were, respectively, 92% and94% less likely to be in the highest tertile of total tocotrienols than the lowest tertile. Further, bothdisorders were associated with increased plasma indices of vitamin E oxidative/nitrosative damage(ratios α-tocopherylquinone/α-tocopherol and 5-nitro-γ-tocopherol/γ-tocopherol).Study II. Within the AddNeuroMed Project, analysis which integrated plasma levels of vitamin E formswith structural magnetic resonance (MRI) parameters, derived from automated regional analysis, wasused to differentiate AD and MCI cases from CN individuals, and to predict MCI conversion to AD. Theanalysis of MRI and vitamin E data alone provided an accuracy of 83.2% and 92.8% respectively, forAD versus CN, and of 58.1% and 87.8% for MCI versus CN. The integrated analysis of plasma vitaminE and MRI data enhanced the accuracy, which were 98.2% for AD versus CN and 90.7% for MCIversus CN. This combination of data also correctly identified 85% of the MCI who converted to clinicalAD at one year follow-up and 67% of the non-converters.Study III. The association of plasma levels of eight natural vitamin E forms with the incidence of ADwas examined in a Swedish population-based prospective study (Kungsholmen Project) of oldest-oldindividuals (age 80+), using six-year follow-up data. Subjects with higher concentrations of totaltocopherols, total tocotrienols or total vitamin E had approximately a 50% reduced risk of developingAD in comparison to subjects with lower plasma levels (highest versus lowest tertile).Study IV. The association of serum levels of all eight natural vitamin E forms and markers of vitamin Eoxidative/nitrosative damage, with the incidence of cognitive impairment (MCI or AD) was investigatedin a Finnish population-based prospective study (CAIDE) of older adults (age 65+), using eight-yearfollow-up data. The odds of cognitive impairment was reduced for subjects in the medium tertile of γ-tocopherol serum levels, relative to those subjects in the lowest tertile [odds ratio and 95% confidenceinterval: 0.27(0.10-0.78)]. Subjects with a higher serum value for the index of γ-tocopherol nitrosativedamage (5-nitro-γ-tocopherol/γ-tocopherol ratio; high and middle versus lowest tertile) were about threetimes more likely to develop cognitive impairment.Conclusions. α-tocopherol is the only vitamin E form currently used to define vitamin E dietaryrequirements, and it is the only congener tested in randomized controlled trials in subjects with AD andMCI. The results of this project provide evidence that suggests that the other natural forms of vitamin Ecan also be important in cognitive impairment and AD in older adults. Thus, all natural vitamin E formsshould be considered when studying the association of this micronutrient with cognitive impairment andAD. These findings also suggest that some aspects of vitamin E supplementation in preventing andtreating AD should be re-examined. This should include the timing of intervention, the composition ofsupplementation, and the assessment of plasma levels of all vitamin E forms. The latter can help identifysubjects who could benefit from vitamin E supplementation, and monitor in-vivo biological response totreatment.
机译:维生素E是人体中主要的非酶促脂类抗氧化剂,在保护大脑免受自由基介导的损害方面具有重要作用。术语维生素E包括八种天然同源物(形式):四种生育酚和四种生育三烯酚,分别命名为α,β,γ和δ。有关痴呆症和阿尔茨海默氏病(AD)的维生素E的大多数研究主要集中在α-生育酚上,但发现存在矛盾。然而,对维生素E生物学特性的认识不断提高,提供了强大的生物学原理,即除了α-生育酚外,其他形式的维生素E可能在AD发病机理中也起着作用。本项目的目的是研究所有8种天然维生素E的关系。结合流行病学和基于临床的方法,在老年人中出现维生素E形式并伴有轻度认知障碍(AD)。研究I.所有八种天然维生素E形式的血浆水平,以及维生素E氧化/亚硝基损伤的标志物(α-生育酚醌,在一项基于临床的多中心欧洲研究中(AddNeuroMed Project),对患有AD,MCI和正常认知(CN)的受试者进行了5-硝基-γ-生育酚的研究。与CN受试者相比,AD和MCI病例的血浆总生育酚,总生育三烯酚和总维生素E含量较低。MCI和AD病例的血浆总生育酚和总维生素E的最高三分位数均较低,分别为总生育三烯酚含量最高的三分位数分别比最低的三分位数低92%和94%。此外,这两种疾病都与血浆维生素E氧化/亚硝化损害(比率α-生育酚醌/α-生育酚和5-硝基-γ-生育酚/γ-生育酚)的血浆指数升高有关。在AddNeuroMed项目中,利用自动区域分析得出的将维生素E形式的血浆水平与结构磁共振(MRI)参数相结合的分析,用于区分AD和MCI病例与CN个体,并预测MCI向AD的转化。仅对MRI和维生素E数据进行分析,AD与CN的准确度分别为83.2%和92.8%,MCI与CN的准确度分别为58.1%和87.8%。血浆维生素E和MRI数据的综合分析提高了准确性,AD相对于CN为98.2%,MCIversus CN为90.7%。这些数据的组合还正确地确定了在一年的随访中转化为临床AD的MCI的为85%,非转化者的为67%。瑞典的一项基于人群的前瞻性研究(年龄在80岁以上)的前瞻性研究(Kungsholmen项目)使用了六年的随访数据,研究了八种天然维生素E形式的血浆水平与AD发生率的关系。总胆固醇,总生育三烯酚或总维生素E浓度较高的受试者与血浆水平较低(最高或最低三分位数)的受试者相比,罹患AD的风险降低了约50%。在芬兰一项基于老年人的65岁人群前瞻性研究(CAIDE)中,研究了所有八种天然维生素E形式的血清水平和维生素E氧化/亚硝基化损伤标志物与认知障碍(MCI或AD)发生率的关系。 +),使用八年随访数据。相对于最低三分位数[几率和95%置信区间:0.27(0.10-0.78)],处于中等三分位数的γ-生育酚血清水平的受试者的认知损害几率降低。血清中γ-生育酚亚硝基损伤指数较高的受试者(5-硝基-γ-生育酚/γ-生育酚比;高,中,最低三分位数)出现认知障碍的可能性高约三倍。 α-生育酚是目前用于定义维生素E饮食需求的唯一维生素E形式,并且是在AD和MCI受试者的随机对照试验中测试的唯一同类物。该项目的结果提供了证据,表明维生素E的其他天然形式在老年人的认知障碍和AD中也很重要。因此,在研究这种微量营养素与认知障碍和AD的关系时,应考虑所有天然维生素E形式。这些发现还表明,应在补充维生素E预防和治疗AD的某些方面进行重新检查。这应该包括干预的时机,补充的组成以及所有维生素E形式的血浆水平评估。后者可以帮助确定可以从补充维生素E中受益的对象,并监测对治疗的体内生物学反应。


  • 作者

    Mangialasche Francesca;

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  • 年度 2012
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