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Carers NSW 2014 carer survey: main report

机译:Carers NsW 2014护老者调查:主要报告



Executive Summary The biennial Carers NSW Carer Survey collects information about carers in NSW to inform the organisation・s direction, support and systemic advocacy for all carers across NSW. The 2014 survey collected more extensive and detailed data than any previous Carer Survey and has established a framework to guide future surveys. This report provides an overview of the main findings from the survey data, with future publications to investigate specific issues in greater depth.The survey was completed by 1,684 carers - 84% of whom were female, and over half were aged between 45 and 64 years. A significant majority were the main provider of care for those they supported. Approximately one in three had experienced a long-‐term illness or disability themselves within the previous year. While the demographic profile of survey respondents indicated a wide range of caring relationships and experiences, comparisons with population-‐based statistics highlight that this sample is not representative of the broader NSW carer population. This limits the generalisability of survey findings, however, it also allows for more detailed data analysis to be conducted within the more highly represented sub-‐groups of carers, and also suggests areas for improved data collection in future surveys.Carers generally framed their reasons for caring in a positive way, with more than twice as many wanting to take on their caring roles than felt they had no choice. Nevertheless, a significant proportion indicated that no one else assisted them or that they would not be able to find help if they needed a break. Significantly, over one quarter of respondents reported providing more than 70 hours of care per week. This finding is particularly important, since associations were found between the hours of care provided per week, the length of caring roles, and the prevalence of carersu27 long‐term illness or disability.In line with a great deal of previous literature, the wellbeing of carers in this survey was low compared to the general Australian population. Despite this, carers consistently emphasised the positive value of caring as being greater than the negative impacts. This report highlights those carers who are at greater risk of experiencing low wellbeing, including those with more intensive caring demands and those with long-‐term illnesses or disabilities. At the same time, male carers and older carers tended to report higher levels of wellbeing.Amongst carers who were not in paid employment, more than one in two had stopped working because of their caring responsibilities. Notably, these carers reported poorer wellbeing than those who had stopped working for other reasons. A large majority of working carers indicated that their employers knew about their caring responsibilities, but one in four did not feel supported to balance work and care. Survey responses also indicated that many carers experience some degree of conflict in balancing their caring responsibilities, finances and career progression.Carers reported using local doctors and family/friends for support more than any other source, as well as being restricted from accessing services by the cost, not knowing what was available, and their caring responsibilities taking priority. A majority of carers were not currently accessing supportive services for themselves and interestingly, most did not want to. When carers were satisfied with the services received by the person(s) they cared for and felt more included by service providers, they were more likely to report better wellbeing outcomes.Carers of people with a disability were invited to share their expectations of the impact of person centred approaches and individualised funding to the disability service sector. Awareness of these concepts had increased since the Carers NSW 2012 Carer Survey, with expectations being more positive than negative. Notably, carers who had practical experience of individualised funding packages were much more positive about their introduction than those yet to experience them.Former carers were also invited to complete the survey, with 146 responses being received. Their previous caring roles had usually ended through the death of the person they cared for or the care recipientu27s admission into residential care facilities. Very few indicated that they had stopped caring because they could no longer cope, highlighting carersu27 resilience and dedication to their caring roles.The data collected in this survey will inform a range of advocacy and research work. Importantly, the Carers NSW 2014 Carer Survey makes a significant contribution to the evidence base regarding carers in NSW, with the main findings indicating implications for the recognition and support of carers by service providers, governments, and the wider community. 
机译:内容提要两年一度的新南威尔士州看护者护理调查收集了新南威尔士州的看护者信息,以向新南威尔士州所有看护者提供组织指导,支持和系统性宣传。 2014年的调查收集了比以往任何一次“护老者调查”都更为广泛和详细的数据,并建立了指导未来调查的框架。本报告概述了调查数据的主要发现,并在以后的出版物中对更具体的问题进行了更深入的调查。该调查由1,684名护理人员完成-其中84%是女性,一半以上的年龄在45至64岁之间。绝大多数人是他们所支持者的主要照顾者。在上一年中,大约三分之一的人自己患有长期疾病或残疾。尽管受访者的人口统计资料显示了广泛的照护关系和经历,但与基于人口的统计数据的比较表明,该样本不能代表更广泛的新南威尔士州照护人口。这限制了调查结果的普遍性,但是,它还允许在代表性更高的护理人员子群中进行更详细的数据分析,并建议在未来的调查中需要改进数据收集的领域。希望以积极的方式进行照顾,比起他们别无选择,愿意承担其照顾角色的人数要多两倍。然而,很大一部分人表示没有其他人帮助他们,或者如果他们需要休息,他们将找不到帮助。值得注意的是,超过四分之一的受访者表示每周提供70个小时以上的护理。这一发现特别重要,因为在每周提供的护理时间,护理角色的时间长短以及护理人员长期患病或残疾的患病率之间发现了相关性。根据以前的大量文献,与整个澳大利亚人口相比,本次调查中的护理人员福利较低。尽管如此,护理人员始终强调护理的积极价值大于负面影响。该报告重点介绍了那些面临较低的幸福感的风险较高的护理人员,包括那些对护理要求更高的人群以及长期患病或残障的人群。同时,男性护理人员和老年护理人员的福利水平较高,在那些没有从事有偿工作的护理人员中,有超过二分之一的护理人员由于其护理责任而停止工作。值得注意的是,与那些因其他原因而停止工作的人相比,这些照顾者的生活状况较差。绝大多数在职照顾者表示,他们的雇主知道他们的照顾责任,但四分之一的人并不感到平衡工作和护理的支持。调查反馈还表明,许多护理人员在权衡其护理职责,财务和职业发展方面遇到了一定程度的冲突。护理人员报告说,与其他任何来源相比,护理人员使用当地医生和家人/朋友提供的支持更多,并且受到服务提供商的限制。成本,不知道可用的产品以及他们的照料责任为重。目前,大多数护理人员并没有自己获得支持服务,有趣的是,大多数护理人员并不愿意。当看护者对他们所照顾的人所获得的服务感到满意并感到服务提供者的参与度更高时,他们更有可能报告更好的健康结果。请残疾人看护者分享他们对影响的期望以人为本的方法和针对残疾人服务部门的个性化资金。自2012年新南威尔士州《护老者调查》以来,人们对这些概念的意识有所提高,期望的积极性高于消极期望。值得注意的是,拥有个性化资助方案的实践经验的护理人员比没有经验的护理人员更积极地介绍他们,并邀请前护理人员完成调查,收到146份回复。他们以前的照料作用通常是由于他们所照料者的死亡或被照料者进入住宅照料设施而终止。很少有人指出他们已经不再照顾他们了,因为他们不再应付,突出了照顾者的适应力和对照顾角色的奉献精神。本次调查收集的数据将为一系列宣传和研究工作提供参考。重要的是,《 2014年新南威尔士州护老者调查》为新南威尔士州护老者的证据基础做出了重要贡献,主要发现表明,服务提供商,政府和更广泛的社区对护老者的认可和支持具有重要意义。


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    Timothy R. Broady;

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