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A proposal for error handling in OpenMP



OpenMP has been focused in performance applied to numerical applications, but when we try to move this focus to other kind of applications, like Web servers, we detect one important lack. In these applications, performance is important, but reliability is even more important, and OpenMP does not have any recovery mechanism. In this paper we present a novel proposal to address this lack.udIn order to add error handling to OpenMP we propose some extensions to the current OpenMP specification. A directive and a clause are proposed, defining an scope for the error handling (where the error can occur) and specifying a behaviour for handling the specific errors.udSome examples of use are presented, and we present also an evaluation showing the impact of this proposal in OpenMP applications. We show that this impact is low enough to consider the proposal worthwhile for OpenMP.
机译:OpenMP一直专注于应用于数字应用程序的性能,但是当我们尝试将重点转移到其他类型的应用程序(如Web服务器)时,我们发现了一个重要的不足。在这些应用程序中,性能很重要,而可靠性则更为重要,并且OpenMP没有任何恢复机制。在本文中,我们提出了一个新颖的建议来解决这种不足。 ud为了向OpenMP添加错误处理,我们建议对当前的OpenMP规范进行一些扩展。提出了一条指令和一条子句,定义了错误处理的范围(可能发生错误的地方)并指定了处理特定错误的行为。 ud提供了一些使用示例,我们还提供了一个评估,它显示了错误的影响OpenMP应用程序中的此建议。我们表明,这种影响不足以考虑该建议对于OpenMP值得。



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