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Theory and performance of a matched-filter doppler direction-finding system




A new radio direction-finding (DF) technique which applies matched-filter theory to the DF problem is presented. The new technique, called Matched-Filter Doppler Direction Finding (MFD DF) is based on the doppler DF principle in which a rotating antenna, or its equivalent, superimposes periodic frequency modulation on the received carrier. The phase of the induced modulation contains information on the angle of arrival. It is shown that a bandpass filtering operation, which satisfies the phase-matching requirement of a matched filter, converts the frequency-modulated signal to an amplitude-modulated signal whose envelope is a periodic narrow pulse with no sidelobes. The relative time of occurrence of the pulse is a measure of angle of arrival. Included is the description of and results obtained with an experimental system used to confirm the analytical results, to study the effects of noise, and to explore alternatives available in the design of an operating system. Encouraging results were obtained using this same experimental system with a conventional operating doppler DF set. (Author)
机译:提出了一种将匹配滤波器理论应用于DF问题的新的无线电测向(DF)技术。这项称为匹配滤波器多普勒测向(MFD DF)的新技术基于多普勒DF原理,在该原理中,旋转天线或其等效天线将周期性频率调制叠加在接收到的载波上。感应调制的相位包含有关到达角的信息。示出了满足匹配滤波器的相位匹配要求的带通滤波操作将频率调制的信号转换为幅度调制的信号,该信号的包络是没有旁瓣的周期性窄脉冲。脉冲的相对出现时间是到达角的量度。其中包括对实验系统的描述和获得的结果,该实验系统用于确认分析结果,研究噪声的影响以及探索操作系统设计中可用的替代方法。使用相同的实验系统和常规的多普勒测向仪,可获得令人鼓舞的结果。 (作者)



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