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Penggunaan Kalimat Efektif Pada Soal Latihan dalam Buku Paket Bahasa Indonesia SMP Kelas VII Karya Mariati Nugroho dan Sutopo

机译:Mariati Nugroho和Sutopo在印度尼西亚VII中学初中语文教材中的练习题中有效使用句子


This study aimed to describe the forms of effective use of the phrase, a sentence less effective, and punctuation improper practice questions in textbooks Indonesian junior class VII Mariati paper and Sutopo Nugroho. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The data in this study is a matter of practice. Sources of data in this research is the textbook Indonesian junior class VII Mariati paper and Sutopo Nugroho. The data collection technique used is the classification of the data, then the data is analyzed by composing a sentence less effective become effective sentence. Based on the analysis, it is known that the use of effective sentence on exercises in textbooks Indonesian Mariati work class VII and Sutopo Nugroho is only mentioned 13 data alone. However, the data is already covering 13 and represents some kind of effective sentence. The use of the phrase less effective in practice questions in textbooks junior class VII works Mariati Nugroho and Sutopo number 45, ie in terms of harmony, there are 6 of data, in terms of effectiveness, there were 24 of data, in terms of kebervariasian there are 4 records, in terms of accuracy are 7 data, and in terms of brevity there are 4 records. Meanwhile, the use of punctuation improper number 17, which is 12 data errors in punctuation (!), 4 the data errors in punctuation (,), and 1 of data errors in punctuation (,) and (!).ududKeywords: effective sentence, the sentence is less effective, punctuation, exercises
机译:这项研究的目的是描述印尼初中VII级玛丽亚蒂(Mariati)纸和Sutopo Nugroho教科书中有效使用该短语,一句不太有效的句子以及标点符号使用不当的练习题的形式。本研究中使用的方法是描述性定性方法。这项研究中的数据是一个实践问题。这项研究的数据来源是教科书印尼初中VII级玛丽亚蒂纸和Sutopo Nugroho。所使用的数据收集技术是对数据进行分类,然后通过将不太有效的句子变为有效的句子来分析数据。根据分析,可以知道仅在印度尼西亚13个数据中就提到了有效的句子在教科书中,印度尼西亚的Mariati作业类别VII和Sutopo Nugroho的使用。但是,数据已经覆盖了13个,代表了某种有效的句子。在初中七年级的教科书中,在练习题中使用不太有效的短语时,Mariati Nugroho和Sutopo的编号为45,即就和谐而言,有6个数据,就有效性而言,有24个数据,按kebervariasian有4个记录,就准确性而言,有7个数据,为简洁起见,有4个记录。同时,使用标点符号不正确的数字17,即标点符号(!)中有12个数据错误,标点符号(,)中有4个数据错误,标点符号(,)和(!)中有1个数据错误。 ud udKeywords :有效句子,句子效果较差,标点,练习



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