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Pengaruh Nilai-nilai Multikulturalisme terhadap Pengamalan Nilai Kerukunan Siswa Kelas X di Smk Negeri 5 Pekanbaru

机译:多元文化主义价值观对SMK Negeri 5 Pekanbaru实施X班学生和谐价值观的影响


This study was motivated by the attitude of equality, regardless of sex, mutual respect that can instill a sense of sympathy and there is no discrimination in a learning process. The formulation of the problem in this research is How the influence of values of multiculturalism to the practice of the value of harmony of students of class X SMK Negeri 5 Pekanbaru, The purpose of this study is to know the extent to which the influence of the values of multiculturalism to value harmony students. This type of research is quantitative descrip- tive Research and Tech nik taking the sample used is random sampling. Data collection techniques in this study were conducted by questionnaire to 77 respondents. Is known use values-the value of multiculturalism contributed 54% in affecting the value of harmony.while for the other 46% is influenced by other factors. The formulation of the hypothesis was formulated that is Influence Values Against Multiculturalism practice Harmony Value Class X in SMK Negeri 5 Pekanbaru is high means that the practice of value harmony student / I claas X in SMK Negeri 5 Pekanbaru with the percentage of 56.84%. These results indicate that the influence of significance based on testing conducted in this study showed that there were significant effects characterized by F count ≥ F tables or (9.502) ≥ (0.22242). Thus, Ha is accepted while Ho is rejected which means there is influence of values of multiculturalism, or the higher the influence of values of multiculturalism then the higher the practice of harmony values owned by students of class X in SMK Negeri 5 Pekanbaru.
机译:这项研究的动机是平等的态度,不分性别,相互尊重,可以灌输同情感,在学习过程中不存在歧视。本研究中问题的表述是,多元文化主义的价值观如何影响X班级SMK Negeri 5 Pekanbaru的学生的和谐价值观的实践,这项研究的目的是要了解多元文化的价值观来重视和谐学生。这种类型的研究是定量描述性研究,而Tech nik采用的样本是随机抽样。本研究中的数据收集技术是通过问卷调查的方式对77位受访者进行的。已知使用价值-多元文化主义的价值对和谐价值的贡献为54%,而其他46%受其他因素的影响。该假设的表述方式为:在SMK Negeri 5 Pekanbaru中对多元文化主义实践和谐价值X的影响价值X值高表示在SMK Negeri 5 Pekanbaru中价值和谐学生/ I claas X的实践占56.84%。这些结果表明,根据这项研究中的检验,显着性影响表明存在显着影响,其特征为F计数≥F表或(9.502)≥(0.22242)。因此,Ha被接受而Ho被拒绝,这意味着存在多元文化主义价值观的影响,或者多元文化主义价值观的影响越大,则SMK Negeri 5 Pekanbaru中X类学生拥有的和谐价值观的实践就越高。



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