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Effects of different drying conditions on the rehydration ratio and water holding capacity properties in three different species of algae Ulva lactuca, Codium vermilara and Codium tomentosum

机译:不同干燥条件对三种不同藻类Ulva lactuca,Vermilara和Tomentosum藻的复水率和保水性能的影响



Over the last years, algae have been increasingly used in Human food due their rich chemical and nutritional composition,particularly the high supply of essential nutrients to the human body such as protein and dietary fiber.Dietary fiber can be divided into two different types: soluble and insoluble. The characteristics of soluble dietary fiber are related tosome physical and chemical properties such as rehydration ratio and water holding capacity and are important in assigning thefunctional and organoleptic properties and in preventing some human pathologies such as cardiovascular disease and obesity.The present study aimed to investigate the influence of different drying conditions on the rehydration ratio and water holding capacityof three green algae, Codium vermilara, Codium tomentosum and Ulva lactuca.The methods used for the determination of water retention capacity and rehydration ratio were similar to those used in previousstudies (Susuki, T. et al., 1996). The algae were processed in a tray dryer and the drying conditions were: Temperature: 30ºC and40ºC; Relative Humidity: 28%47%; air velocity 1,9 m/s.In this work, it was concluded that higher drying temperature conditions originate lower rehydration ratio and consequent lowerwater holding capacity possibly due to a higher physical damage in the algae tissues. It was also observed that both Codium specieshave higher values for these two parameters than Ulva lactuca, under the same rehydration conditions.
机译:近年来,藻类由于其丰富的化学和营养成分,特别是对人体的大量营养成分(如蛋白质和膳食纤维)而在人体食品中得到越来越多的使用。膳食纤维可分为两种:可溶性并且不溶。可溶性膳食纤维的特性与某些物理和化学特性有关,例如补水率和持水量,对于分配功能和感官特性以及预防某些人类疾病(如心血管疾病和肥胖)具有重要意义。干燥条件对三种绿藻Vermilara,毛白蚁Codium和Ulva lactuca的复水率和持水率的影响。保水率和复水率的测定方法与以前的研究相似(Susuki,T等(1996)。藻类在盘式干燥机中进行处理,干燥条件为:温度:30ºC和40ºC;相对湿度:28%47%;风速1.9 m / s。在这项工作中,得出的结论是较高的干燥温度条件产生的温度较低补水率和随之而来的较低的持水量可能是由于藻类组织中较高的物理损伤所致。还观察到,在相同的补液条件下,这两种for的这两个参数都比Ulva lactuca具有更高的值。



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