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Early developments in the literature of Australian natural history : together with a select bibliography of Australian natural history writing, printed in English, from 1697 to the present




Early nineteenth-century Eurocentric perceptions of natural history led to the flora and fauna of Australia being thought of as deficient and inferior compared with those of other lands. By the 1820s, Australia had become known as “the land of contrarieties”. This, and Eurocentric attitudes to nature in general, influenced the expectations and perceptions of immigrants throughout the century. Yet at the same time there was developing an aesthetic appreciation of the natural history of Australia. This thesis examines the tension between these two perceptions in the popular natural history writing of the nineteenth century, mainly through the writing of five authors – George Bennett (1804-1893), Louisa Anne Meredith (1812-1895), Samuel Hannaford (1937-1874), Horace Wheelwright (1815-1865) and Donald Macdonald (1859?-1932). George Bennett was a scientist, who saw Australian plants and animals more as scientific specimens than objects of beauty. Louisa Meredith perceived them in the familiar language of English romantic poetry. Samuel Hannaford used another language, that of popular British natural history writers of the mid-nineteenth century. To Horace Wheelwright, Australian animals were equally valuable to the sportsman’s gun as to the naturalist’s pen. Donald Macdonald was the only one of these major writers to have been born in Australia. Although proud of his British heritage, he rejoiced in the beauty of his native land. His writing demonstrates his joy, and his novel attitude to Australian natural history continued and developed in the present century.
机译:十九世纪初期,欧洲中心主义对自然历史的认识导致澳大利亚的动植物被认为比其他地区的动植物资源贫乏和劣等。到1820年代,澳大利亚已被称为“矛盾之地”。这种态度以及欧洲人对大自然的总体态度,影响了整个世纪移民的期望和看法。但与此同时,人们对澳大利亚的自然历史也有了审美上的欣赏。本论文主要通过五位作者的著作(乔治·贝内特(1804-1893),路易莎·安妮·梅瑞迪斯(Louisa Anne Meredith)(1812-1895),塞缪尔·汉纳福德(Samuel Hannaford,1937- 1874年),霍拉斯·惠特赖特(1815-1865)和唐纳德·麦克唐纳(1859?-1932)。乔治·本内特(George Bennett)是一位科学家,他将澳大利亚的动植物更多地看作科学的标本,而不是美丽的物体。路易莎·梅雷迪斯(Louisa Meredith)用英语浪漫主义诗歌中熟悉的语言来理解它们。塞缪尔·汉纳福德(Samuel Hannaford)使用了另一种语言,即19世纪中叶英国流行自然历史作家的语言。对于霍勒斯·惠特赖特(Horace Wheelwright)来说,澳大利亚的动物对运动员的枪支和博物学家的笔都同样有价值。唐纳德·麦克唐纳(Donald Macdonald)是唯一在澳大利亚出生的主要作家之一。尽管他为自己的英国遗产感到自豪,但他为祖国的美丽感到高兴。他的作品展示了他的喜悦,他对澳大利亚自然历史的新颖态度在本世纪得以延续和发展。



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