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'Menschenleer.' The Aesthetics of Humanity in the Novels of Christoph Ransmayr: Die Schrecken des Eises und der Finsternis, Die letzte Welt and Morbus Kitahara

机译:“离开了。”克里斯托弗·兰斯玛(Christoph Ransmayr)小说中的人文美学:《冰与黑暗的恐惧,最后的世界与北原疾病》


This dissertation is a comparative study which traces the development of a distinctive aesthetics in the late twentieth century novels of the Austrian writer, Christoph Ransmayr. The three novels, Die Schrecken des Eises und der Finsternis, Die letzte Welt and Morbus Kitahara, while quite different in terms of spatial and temporal orientation, share several key features which contribute to the operation of what I define and examine as the aesthetics of humility in the texts. These recurrent thematic, structural and symbolic elements in the three novels relate to the texts’ critique of scientific modernity, their privileging of myth (both thematically and stylistically), the representation of nature and the texts’ readings of apocalypse and transformation.The theory of myth developed by Hans Blumenberg in Arbeit am Mythos provides an interpretative framework to explain the re-emergence of myth as a contemporary response to the “absolutism of reality” which the systems and technologies of scientific modernity have produced in the twentieth century. The first part of this thesis examines the representation in individual novels of the collapse and breakdown of selected metanarratives of modernity. The second part consists of an examination of three core myths which function to restructure the narrative of human existence in each novel.This thesis determines that the development of the aesthetics of humility in Ransmayr's novels is dependent on the reader's recognition of the changed perspective and the changed perception which characters in each novel experience. To different extents the characters in each novel abandon a rational perception of reality. The aesthetics of reality acknowledges a textual consciousness and privileging of the projected Other of reason; nature, myth, fantasy, irrationality and barbarity. The human subject no longer occupies the privileged central position in humanist cosmology. Displaced from the centre to the periphery of civilization, the human subject is also represented as having lost control of its physical and psychical environment. Human pretensions to power and influence over itself and its environment are negated in the texts’ revelation of the transience of life. This loss of status and place is related on a seemingly moral level to the novels’ representation of the human potential for brutality and cruelty. The ultimate disappearance of the human subject in each novel is related to the subject's gradual objectification in the text and the final dissolution of its identity.
机译:本文是一项比较研究,追溯了奥地利作家克里斯托夫·兰斯迈尔(Christoph Ransmayr)二十世纪后期小说中独特美学的发展。这三本小说,《时光倒影》,《时空世界》和《北山莫尔布》虽然在空间和时间取向上截然不同,但它们分享了几个关键特征,这些特征有助于我对谦卑美学的定义和研究。在文本中。这三部小说中这些反复出现的主题,结构和象征性元素与文本对科学现代性的批判,它们对神话的迷信(无论是主题还是造型),自然的表现以及文本对启示和转化的理解有关。汉斯·布伦伯格(Hans Blumenberg)在神话时代的阿尔贝特(Arbeit am Mythos)提出的神话提供了一个解释框架,用以解释神话的重新出现,以回应当代对科学现代性的系统和技术所产生的“现实绝对主义”的当代反应。本文的第一部分考察了个别小说中现代性元叙事选择的崩溃和崩溃。第二部分包括对三个核心神话的考察,这三个神话神话的作用是重构每本小说中人类生存的叙事。本论文确定兰斯迈尔小说中谦卑美学的发展取决于读者对观念的转变和对小说的理解。改变了每个小说经历中哪些角色的看法。每部小说中的人物都在不同程度上放弃了对现实的理性认识。现实的美学认识到了文本意识和对所计划的理性的特权。自然,神话,幻想,非理性和野蛮。人类主题不再在人本主义宇宙学中占据特权地位。人类主题从文明的中心转移到了外围,也被视为失去了对其生理和心理环境的控制。在文本对生命瞬息的启示中,人们否定了人们对权力及其对自身及其环境的影响的自负。这种地位和地位的丧失在看似道德的层面上与小说对人类残暴和残酷潜能的表现有关。人类主题在每本小说中的最终消失与主题在文本中的逐渐客观化及其身份的最终消亡有关。



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