首页> 外文OA文献 >Elevage, croissance et développement de Phryxe caudata (Diptera, Tachinidae) sur son hôte de substitution Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) et sur milieu artificiel

Elevage, croissance et développement de Phryxe caudata (Diptera, Tachinidae) sur son hôte de substitution Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) et sur milieu artificiel

机译:Phryxe caudata(Diptera,Tachinidae)在其替代宿主Malleria mellonella(鳞翅目,Pyralidae)和人工培养基上的繁殖,生长和发育


Phryxe caudata, an endoparasitic Tachinid of Thaumetopoea pityocampa was reared in the laboratory on Galleria mellonella for more than 90 generations. A control of the quality of the insects reared in artificial condition has been performed in natural conditions, on the natural host. Biochemical and physiological studies have made possible the in vitro development on artificial media, from egg to last larval instar or from the second larval instar to the adult.
机译:Phryxe caudata,一种丘脑伞尾藻的内寄生性节肢动物,已在实验室的梅隆回廊上饲养了90多个世代。在自然条件下,对自然寄主进行了人工条件下饲养的昆虫的质量控制。生化和生理学研究使得在人工培养基上从卵到最后一个幼虫龄或从第二个幼虫龄到成年的体外培养成为可能。



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