首页> 外文OA文献 >L'habitat néolithique récent de Geispolsheim 'Forlen' (Bas-Rhin) : contribution à la périodisation de la culture de Munzingen et à l'étude de ses relations avec les cultures du Plateau suisse et du lac de Constance

L'habitat néolithique récent de Geispolsheim 'Forlen' (Bas-Rhin) : contribution à la périodisation de la culture de Munzingen et à l'étude de ses relations avec les cultures du Plateau suisse et du lac de Constance

机译:Geispolsheim“ Forlen”(Bas-Rhin)的新石器时代聚落:对Munzingen文化的分期及其与瑞士高原和Constance湖文化的关系的研究做出了贡献



The recent Neolithic site of Forlen in Geispolsheim, attributed to the recent Munzingen, has yielded a series of enclosures containing ceramic forms unprecedented in the context of Munzingen B. We have detected the influence of late productions by the Pfyn culture and propose the identification of a new stage in the recent Munzingen, which we have unoriginally named Munzingen C, and is typified by the appearance of ceramic forms with rounded profiles. This episode may date from around 3650-3550 BC, a late dating that has been confirmed by two carbon 14 tests. The discovery allows a strong claim to be made that ancient trading networks that linked the Rhine Valley with the Swiss Plateau and shores of Lake Constance were reopened during the second half of the fourth millennium BC. I t also invites reflection on the question of the evolution of the Munzingen culture outside of Lower A lsace. The Munzingen A-Munzingen B transition is only attested in the region of Colmar and the Kaiserstuhl, the nuclear zone of this culture, and probably also of the Munzingen B style. Whereas the expansion of Munzingen B towards the north of the Rhine Valley (as far as Hesse) is well documented, the recent discoveries in the Mulhouse region have shown that this style was completely absent in the southern area of Upper A lsace. In this region untouched by the expansion of style B, Munzingen A, which was probably open to other influences, evolved independently. A few clues allow us to postulate that a recent Munzingen from Upper A lsace (style A 2) really existed that continued the stylistic tradition of the ancient Munzingen (A1) which we are only beginning to identify.
机译:归因于最近的Munzingen,最近在Geispolsheim的Forlen的新石器时代遗址产生了一系列包含Munzingen B背景下史无前例的陶瓷形式的围墙。最近的Munzingen的新阶段,我们最初将其命名为Munzingen C,其特征是带有圆形轮廓的陶瓷形式的出现。这一事件的发生时间可追溯至公元前3650年至3550年,这是两次碳14测试所证实的较晚的约会。这一发现使人们有力地宣称,连接莱茵河谷与瑞士高原和博登湖的沿海地区的古代贸易网络已在公元前四千年的下半年重新开放。我还请大家反思下阿尔萨斯以外的蒙津根文化的演变问题。 Munzingen A-Munzingen B过渡仅在这种文化的核区科尔马和Kaiserstuhl地区得到证实,可能还包括Munzingen B风格。尽管Munzingen B向莱茵河谷以北(直至黑森州)的扩张已得到充分记录,但牟罗兹地区的最新发现表明,上阿尔萨斯州的南部地区完全没有这种风格。在不受风格B扩展影响的该地区,可能受到其他影响的Munzingen A独立发展。我们可以通过一些线索推测出,确实存在着上阿尔萨斯上层的Munzingen(A 2型),它延续了我们刚刚开始发现的古老Munzingen(A1)的风格传统。



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