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Assessing the Effectiveness of Mobile Learning Devices inudTertiary Institutions: The Experience of Undergraduatesudin a Nigerian Private University

机译:在 ud中评估移动学习设备的有效性大专院校:大学生的经验 ud在尼日利亚私立大学


Over the years, technology appears to be making life easier andudbetter. However, in some instances, it appears technology is counterproductive.udMobile learning devices, as the name suggests, have been developed to facilitateudlearning on the move. The questions are: Are these devices truly facilitatingudlearning? If they are truly facilitating learning, are they facilitating learning positivelyudor negatively? To answer these questions, the survey research designudwas adopted on a sample of 215 randomly selected students. In the process,udquestionnaire and focused group discussion guideline were used to collect relevantuddata. Data analysis was both qualitative and quantitative. Some of the coreudfindings from this investigation were that majority of the respondents, and byudextension the target population, were barely using the tablets and free internetudbrowsing megabytes [10Gb monthly] given to all students for the intended purposeudof learning. Some were pre-occupied with downloading videos, films andudmusic while some spend endless hours playing computer games or chatting onudsocial networks with the attendant consequence of poor learning, dwindling academicudperformance and productivity. Relevant recommendations to redressudthis unwholesome trend were proffered
机译:多年来,技术似乎使生活更轻松,更美好。但是,在某些情况下,技术似乎适得其反。 ud顾名思义,移动学习设备已经开发出来,可以促进 udlearning在移动中。问题是:这些设备是否真正在促进学习?如果他们真正地在促进学习,那么他们是否在促进学习的积极/消极的?为了回答这些问题,对215名随机选择的学生进行了抽样调查设计。在此过程中, udquestionnaire和焦点小组讨论指南用于收集相关的 uddata。数据分析既定性又定量。该调查的一些核心发现是,大多数受访者并通过扩展了目标人群,几乎没有使用平板电脑和免费互联网浏览兆字节(每月10Gb)给所有学生以达到预期目的 udof学习。有些人忙于下载视频,电影和音乐,而另一些人却花了无尽的时间玩电脑游戏或在 ududcial网络上聊天,其结果是学习质量差,学业成绩下降和生产力下降。提出了有关纠正这种不健康趋势的建议



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