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Cross region knowledge spillovers and total factor productivity. European evidence using a spatial panel data model




This paper concentrates on the central link between productivity andudknowledge capital, and shifts attention from firms and industries to regions. Theudobjective is to measure knowledge elasticity effects within a regional Cobb-udDouglas production function framework, with an emphasis on knowledgeudspillovers. The analysis uses a panel of 203 European regions to estimate theudeffects over the period 1997-2002. The dependent variable is total factorudproductivity (TFP). We use a region-level relative TFP index as anudapproximation to the true TFP measure. This index describes how efficientlyudeach region transforms physical capital and labour into outputs. The explanatoryudvariables are internal and out-of-region stocks of knowledge, the latter capturingudthe contribution of interregional knowledge spillovers. We use patents toudmeasure knowledge capital. Patent stocks are constructed such that patentsudapplied at the European Patent Office in one year add to the stock in theudfollowing and then depreciate throughout the patents effective life according to audrate of knowledge obsolescence. A random effects panel data spatial error modeludis advocated and implemented for analyzing the productivity effects. Theudfindings provide a fairly remarkable confirmation of the role of knowledgeudcapital contributing to productivity differences among regions, and adding anudimportant dimension to the discussion, showing that knowledge spillover effectsudincrease with geographic proximity. (authors' abstract)
机译:本文着重研究生产力和知识资本之间的中心联系,并将注意力从公司和行业转移到地区。 ud目的是在区域Cobb- udDouglas生产函数框架内测量知识弹性效应,重点是知识 udspillovers。该分析使用了203个欧洲地区的小组来评估1997-2002年期间的 defects。因变量是全要素生产率。我们使用区域级别的相对TFP指数作为真实TFP度量的 ud近似值。该指数描述了学习区域将有形资本和劳动力转化为产出的效率。解释性变量是内部和区域外知识储备,后者掌握了区域间知识溢出的贡献。我们使用专利来测量知识资本。构造专利库存,以使在一年后在欧洲专利局申请的专利增加到库存中,然后根据对知识的淘汰程度在整个专利有效期内折旧。提出并实施了一个随机效应面板数据空间误差模型 udis,用于分析生产率效应。 发现为知识资本对地区间生产率差异的贡献提供了相当显着的证实,并在讨论中增加了重要的维度,表明知识溢出效应随地理位置的临近而增加。 (作者摘要)



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