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Vuurwerkramp Enschede: Stoffen in bloed en urine;rapportage van het gezondheidsonderzoek




On May 13th, 2000, a firework storage facility with 177 tons of heavyfireworks exploded in a residential area in Enschede, The Netherlands. The series of three explosions and subsequent fire killed 22 and injuredover 900 people and some 400 homes were destroyed. The Dutch governmentdeclared a national disaster and a survey was launched to study potentialexposure to substances and psycho-trauma, and to assess current physicaland psychological health of victims and relief workers, as part of alarger health care programme for the victims. The data collection wasperformed between 30th May and 7th June, and the first results werereported within 8 weeks of the disaster. This report addresses theassessment of the body burden of specific disaster-related-components inblood and urine among the full study population of 4000 residents andrelief workers. Blood and urine samples were collected and analysed byICP-MS for barium (Ba), cadmium (Cd), chrome (Cr), copper (Cu), nickel(Ni), lead (Pb), antimony (Sb), strontium (Sr), titanium (Ti) and zinc(Zn). Measured values were compared with reference values of comparablepopulations based on the scientific literature. To assess differences inblood and urine levels between potentially different exposed groups(based on questionnaire information) of residents or relief workers,multiple regression analyses were performed with adjustment for potentialconfounders. No systematic increases of blood and urine levels werefound in the residential group (including children) nor in the reliefworkers. Regression analyses showed no consistent pattern betweenpotential exposure and blood or urine levels. Based on the comparison toreference levels in combination to the regression results, the overallconclusion of the study is that for the elements under study no elevatedbody burdens due to the firework disaster weredemonstrated.
机译:2000年5月13日,荷兰恩斯赫德的一个住宅区发生爆炸,其中有177吨重焰火的烟花储存设施爆炸。三连串爆炸和随后的大火造成22人死亡,900多人受伤,约400所房屋被摧毁。荷兰政府宣布一场全国性的灾难,并展开了一项调查,以研究物质和心理创伤的潜在暴露,并评估受害者和救济工作者当前的身心健康,这是针对受害者的更大的医疗保健计划的一部分。在5月30日至6月7日之间进行了数据收集,并在灾难发生后的8周内报告了最初的结果。本报告涉及在4000名居民和救济工作者的全部研究人群中评估特定灾害相关成分的血液和尿液对人体的负担。收集血液和尿液样品并通过ICP-MS分析钡(Ba),镉(Cd),铬(Cr),铜(Cu),镍(Ni),铅(Pb),锑(Sb),锶(Sr) ),钛(Ti)和锌(Zn)。根据科学文献,将测量值与可比人群的参考值进行比较。为了评估居民或救援人员的潜在不同暴露群体(基于问卷信息)之间的血液和尿液水平差异,对潜在混杂因素进行了调整后进行了多元回归分析。在居民组(包括儿童)和救济工作人员中均未发现血液和尿液水平的系统性增加。回归分析显示潜在暴露与血液或尿液水平之间没有一致的模式。基于与参考水平的比较以及回归结果的比较,本研究的总体结论是,对于所研究的要素,未证明因烟花灾害而导致身体负担增加。



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