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Biotechnology and the European Corn Borer: Measuring Historical Farmer Perceptions and Adoption of Transgenic Bt Corn as a Pest Management Strategy




A 3-yr, multi-state survey of farmers who had planted transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corn was conducted to evaluate perceptions of Bt corn performance and its utility as a management option for European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hu¨ bner). A questionnaire was sent to farmers in Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania who had grown Bt corn during the growing seasons of 1996, 1997, or 1998. There were 7,427 usable questionnaires returned with the following response percentages: 1996 (42.1%), 1997 (35.0%), and 1998 (22.6%). Adoption rates, based on percentage of acreage planted to Bt corn, increased dramatically from 1996 (10.5%) to 1998 (40.7%). The states growing the highest percentage of Bt corn were Minnesota, Iowa, and then Nebraska. However, Illinois, was adopting Bt corn at the fastest rate. Historical use of insecticides did not inßuence the adoption of Bt corn. In addition, of those farmers who used insecticides to control European corn borer, the percentage that decreased their use of insecticides nearly doubled from 13.2% (1996) to 26.0% (1998) over this 3-yr period. The primary reason farmers planted Bt corn was to eliminate the yield loss caused by European corn borer. Scouting for European corn borers decreased from 91% (scouting 2.2 times a year) in 1996 to 75% (scouting 1.8 times a year) in 1998. The percentage of farmers not scouting for European corn borers increased from 9.6% (1996) to 25% (1998). Most farmers believed yields of Bt hybrids were either similar to or greater than the yields of non-Bt hybrids. Minnesota farmers perceived the greatest yield advantages. Farmers are becoming more aware of insect resistance management guidelines; however, they also clearly show preferences for having the ßexibility to use different spatial plantings of Bt and non-Bt corn. Finally, after having planted Bt corn and obtained excellent control of European corn borer, most farmers believed that this insect had been causing more yield loss than they previously had suspected in their non-Bt corn. The data represented here provide an historical foundation for how transgenic Bt corn was used by farmers during the Þrst 3 yr of commercial availability, their initial perceptions on the performance of this technology, and their attitudes regarding management of the European corn borer.
机译:对种植转基因苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bt)玉米的农民进行了为期3年的多州调查,以评估人们对Bt玉米性能的认识及其作为欧洲玉米r(Hus bner)的管理选择的实用性。向伊利诺伊州,爱荷华州,堪萨斯州,明尼苏达州,内布拉斯加州和宾夕法尼亚州的农民发送了调查表,这些农民在1996年,1997年或1998年的生长季节种植了Bt玉米。共返回了7,427份可用调查表,回复率如下:1996( 42.1%),1997年(35.0%)和1998年(22.6%)。基于种植Bt玉米的种植面积的百分比,收养率从1996年(10.5%)到1998年(40.7%)急剧增加。种植Bt玉米比例最高的州是明尼苏达州,爱荷华州,然后是内布拉斯加州。但是,伊利诺伊州以最快的速度采用Bt玉米。历史上使用杀虫剂不会影响Bt玉米的使用。此外,在过去三年中,使用杀虫剂控制欧洲玉米bore的农民中,减少使用杀虫剂的百分比几乎翻了一番,从13.2%(1996)增至26.0%(1998)。农民种植Bt玉米的主要原因是为了消除欧洲玉米bore造成的产量损失。欧洲玉米bore虫的侦查从1996年的91%(每年侦察2.2次)下降到1998年的75%(每年侦察1.8次)。未侦查欧洲玉米bore的农民比例从9.6%(1996年)增加到25% %(1998)。大多数农民认为Bt杂种的产量与非Bt杂种的产量相似或更高。明尼苏达州农民认为最大的单产优势。农民对昆虫抗药性管理准则越来越了解。然而,他们也清楚地显示出偏好具有Bt和非Bt玉米不同空间种植的灵活性。最终,在种植了Bt玉米并获得了欧洲玉米bore的优良控制后,大多数农民认为,这种昆虫造成的产量损失比他们以前在非Bt玉米中所怀疑的要多。此处提供的数据为农民在商业可获得的前三年中如何使用转基因Bt玉米,他们对该技术性能的最初看法以及他们对欧洲玉米bore的管理态度提供了历史基础。



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