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Self-Reported Prevalence and Risk Factors for Shaking and Smothering Among Mothers of 4-Month-Old Infants in Japan




Background: To estimate the prevalence of shaking and smothering and to determine risk factors in a population-based sample of mothers with 4-month-old infants in Japan.Methods: We administered a questionnaire to women who participated in a 4-month health checkup program in Aichi Prefecture, Japan (n = 6487; valid response rate, 66.8%), and assessed frequency of shaking and smothering during the past 1 month, as well as maternal, infant, and familial characteristics. Associations of shaking, smothering, and either shaking or smothering with possible risk factors were analyzed using multiple logistic regression.Results: Self-reported prevalence of shaking, smothering, and either shaking or smothering at least once during the past month was 3.9% (95% confidence interval [CI], 3.5%–4.4%), 2.7% (95% CI, 2.3%–3.1%), and 5.4% (95% CI, 4.9%–6.0%) respectively. Several different risk factors were found for shaking and smothering. Risk factors for either shaking or smothering were age 34 years or younger (especially 24 years or younger), age 40 years or older, full-time working, later attendance at 4-months health checkup, primiparity, living in a detached house, living on the 2nd floor or higher (especially on the 10th floor or higher), economic adversity, perceived excessive crying, and postpartum depression. Protective factors against infant abuse were living in a four-room house and having a larger number of people to consult with.Conclusions: Self-reported prevalences of shaking and smothering among mothers in Japan were similar to prevalences reported in western countries. These finding may be useful for identifying mothers at increased risk of shaking and smothering their infants.
机译:背景:在日本以人口为基础的4个月大婴儿的母亲样本中,评估晃动和窒息的患病率并确定危险因素。方法:我们对参加4个月健康检查的妇女进行了问卷调查该计划在日本爱知县开展(n = 6487;有效响应率为66.8%),并评估了过去1个月中的摇动和窒息频率,以及孕产妇,婴儿和家庭特征。使用多元Logistic回归分析了摇晃,窒息以及摇晃或窒息与可能的危险因素之间的相关性。结果:在过去一个月中,自我报告的至少一次摇晃,窒息以及摇晃或窒息的患病率为3.9%(95置信区间百分比[CI],3.5%–4.4%),2.7%(95%CI,2.3%–3.1%)和5.4%(95%CI,4.9%–6.0%)。发现了几种不同的摇动和窒息危险因素。摇晃或窒息的危险因素是34岁或以下(尤其是24岁或以下),40岁或以上,全职工作,以后需要参加4个月的健康检查,初产,住在独立屋中,生活在2楼或更高楼层(尤其是10楼或更高楼层),经济逆境,感觉过度哭泣和产后抑郁。防止婴儿虐待的保护因素是住在四居室的房子里,有很多人可以咨询。结论:日本母亲自我报告的摇动和窒息流行率与西方国家的发生率相似。这些发现可能有助于确定母亲在摇晃和窒息婴儿风险中的风险。



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