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Collision and phonation threshold pressures before and after loud, prolonged vocalization in trained and untrained voices




The phonation threshold pressure (PTP) is defined as the lowest subglottal pressure needed for obtaining and sustaining vocal fold oscillation. It has been found to increase during vocal fatigue. In the present study, PTP is measured together with the threshold pressure needed for vocal fold collision; henceforth, the collision threshold pressure (CTP). PTP and CTP are compared before and after loud, prolonged vocalization in singer and nonsinger voices. Ten subjects repeated the vowel sequence /a, e, i, o, u/ at a Sound Pressure Level of at least 80 dB at 0.3 m for 20 minutes. Audio and electroglottography signals were recorded before and after this exercise. At the same time, oral pressure was registered while the subjects produced a diminuendo repeating the syllable /pa:/, thus acquiring an approximate of the subglottal pressure. CTP and PTP increased significantly after the vocal loading in the nonsinger subjects. On the other hand, singers reported no substantial effect of the exercise, and most singers had a mean after-to-before ratio close to 1 for both CTP and PTP.
机译:发声阈值压力(PTP)定义为获得和维持声带振荡所需的最低声门下压力。已经发现在声疲劳期间它会增加。在本研究中,PTP与声带碰撞所需的阈值压力一起测量。此后,碰撞阈值压力(CTP)。在歌手和非歌手的声音大声,长时间发声之前和之后比较PTP和CTP。十名受试者在0.3 m的声压级至少80 dB的情况下重复元音序列/ a,e,i,o,u / 20分钟。在此练习之前和之后都记录了音频和电声描记图信号。同时,在受试者产生重复音节/ pa:/的减声时记录口腔压力,从而获得声门下压力的近似值。非歌手对象的声音负荷后,CTP和PTP显着增加。另一方面,歌手没有报告这项运动的实质效果,并且大多数歌手的CTP和PTP前后平均比率均接近1。



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