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Large differences in reanalyses of diabatic heating in the tropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere




We present the time mean heat budgets of the tropical upper troposphere (UT)and lower stratosphere (LS) as simulated by five reanalysis models:the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA),European Reanalysis (ERA-Interim), Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR),Japanese 25-yr Reanalysis and Japan Meteorological Agency Climate Data Assimilation System (JRA-25/JCDAS),and National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for AtmosphericResearch (NCEP/NCAR) Reanalysis 1. The simulated diabatic heatbudget in the tropical UTLS differs significantly from model to model, withsubstantial implications for representations of transport and mixing. Largedifferences are apparent both in the net heat budget and in all comparableindividual components, including latent heating, heating due to radiativetransfer, and heating due to parameterised vertical mixing. We describe anddiscuss the most pronounced differences. Discrepancies in latent heatingreflect continuing difficulties in representing moist convection in models.Although these discrepancies may be expected, their magnitude is stilldisturbing. We pay particular attention to discrepancies in radiative heating(which may be surprising given the strength of observational constraints ontemperature and tropospheric water vapour) and discrepancies in heating dueto turbulent mixing (which have received comparatively little attention). Thelargest differences in radiative heating in the tropical UTLS areattributable to differences in cloud radiative heating, but importantsystematic differences are present even in the absence of clouds. Localmaxima in heating and cooling due to parameterised turbulent mixing occur inthe vicinity of the tropical tropopause.
机译:我们提出了由五个再分析模型模拟的热带对流层上层(UT)和平流层下层(LS)的时间平均热量收支:现代时代研究和应用回顾性分析(MERRA),欧洲再分析(ERA-Interim),气候预测系统再分析(CFSR),日本25年再分析和日本气象厅气候数据同化系统(JRA-25 / JCDAS),以及国家环境预测中心/国家大气研究中心(NCEP / NCAR)再分析1.模拟热带UTLS中的绝热热预算因模型而异,对运输和混合的表示有重大影响。在净热量预算和所有可比较的单个组件(包括潜热,由于辐射传递引起的加热和因参数化的垂直混合引起的加热)中,都存在明显差异。我们描述并讨论最明显的差异。潜热的差异反映了模型中表示湿对流的持续困难,尽管可以预料到这些差异,但其幅度仍然令人担忧。我们特别注意辐射加热的差异(鉴于对温度和对流层水蒸气的观测约束的强度,这可能令人惊讶)和湍流混合导致的加热差异(受到的关注相对较少)。热带UTLS中最大的辐射热差异是由于云辐射热的差异所致,但是即使在没有云的情况下,也存在重要的系统差异。在热带对流层顶附近,由于参数化湍流混合而产生的加热和冷却局部最大值出现在热带对流层顶附近。



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