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Microbiological quality of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) irrigated with wastewater in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and effect of green salads washing methods

机译:埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴灌溉生菜(Lactuca sativa)的微生物质量和绿色沙拉洗涤方法的效果



Background: In Addis Ababa, where irrigation water for vegetable production is commonly derived from the highly polluted Akaki river, information on microbial contamination of water and irrigated vegetable is scanty. An assessment was done to determine the microbiological quality of irrigation water and lettuce harvested from 10 urban farming sites of Addis Ababa. The efficacy of 5 lettuce washing methods were also assessed. A total of 210 lettuce and 90 irrigation water samples were analyzed for faecal coliform and helminth eggs population levels.Results: The mean faecal coliform levels of irrigation water ranged from 4.29-5.61 log10 MPN 100 ml-1, while on lettuce, the concentrations ranged from 3.46-5.03 log10 MPN 100 g-1. Helminth eggs and larvae were detected in 80% of irrigation water and 61% of lettuce samples. Numbers ranged from 0.9-3.1 eggs 1000 ml-1 and 0.8-3.7 eggs 100 g-1 wet weight for irrigation water and lettuce, respectively. The helminth eggs identified included those of Ascaris lumbricoides, Hookworm, Enterobius vermicularis, Trichuris trichiura, Taenia and Strongloyides larvae. Ascaris lumbricoides and Hookworm were most prevalent in both irrigation water and lettuce samples. Compared with the WHO recommendations and international standards, the faecal coliform and helminth eggs levels in irrigation water and lettuce samples exceeded the recommended levels. Irrespective of the tested washing methods, faecal coliform and helminth eggs levels were somehow reduced. Among the washing methods, potable tap water washing - rinsing (2 min) followed by dipping in 15 000 ppm vinegar solution for a minute supported the highest faecal coliorm reduction of 1.7 log10 units, whereas lowest reduction of 0.8 log10 units was achieved for the same procedure without vinegar.Conclusion: Compared with international standards, both faecal coliform and helminth eggs levels exceeded recommended thresholds in water and lettuce, but still in a potential risk range which can be easily mitigated if farmers and households are aware of the potential risk. Aside preventing occupational exposure, potential risk reduction programs should target households which have so far no guidance on how best to wash vegetables. The result of the present study suggest that the vinegar based washing methods are able to reduce faecal coliform towards low level while the physical washing with running water may help to substantially decrease potential risk of helminth parasitic infections.
机译:背景:在亚的斯亚贝巴,生产蔬菜的灌溉水通常来自高度污染的阿卡基河,有关水和灌溉蔬菜的微生物污染的信息很少。进行了一项评估,以确定从亚的斯亚贝巴的10个城市耕地收获的灌溉水和生菜的微生物质量。还评估了5种生菜清洗方法的功效。总共分析了210个生菜和90个灌溉水样品的粪大肠菌群和蠕虫卵种群水平。结果:灌溉水的粪便大肠菌群平均水平为4.29-5.61 log10 MPN 100 ml-1,而生菜上的浓度范围为从3.46-5.03 log10 MPN 100 g-1。在80%的灌溉水中和61%的生菜样品中检测到蠕虫卵和幼虫。灌溉用水和生菜的湿重分别为0.9-3.1个鸡蛋1000 ml-1和0.8-3.7个鸡蛋100 g-1。鉴定出的蠕虫卵包括A虫,钩虫,蠕形肠杆菌,Trichuris trichiura,Ta虫和Strongloyides幼虫。 irrigation虫和钩虫在灌溉用水和生菜样品中最普遍。与世界卫生组织的建议和国际标准相比,灌溉水和生菜样品中的粪便大肠菌和蠕虫卵水平超过了建议水平。无论采用哪种洗涤方法,粪便中的大肠菌和蠕虫卵的含量都会有所降低。在洗涤方法中,自来水洗涤-漂洗(2分钟),然后浸入15,000 ppm醋溶液中一分钟,可实现最大的粪便大肠菌减少量为1.7 log10个单位,而相同的情况下,最低的减少量为0.8 log10个单位结论:与国际标准相比,粪便中的大肠菌和蠕虫卵的水平都超过了水和生菜的推荐阈值,但仍处于潜在的风险范围内,如果农民和家庭意识到潜在的风险,则可以轻松缓解。除了防止职业接触外,潜在的降低风险的计划还应针对目前尚无最佳洗菜指导的家庭。本研究的结果表明,以醋为基础的洗涤方法能够将粪便大肠菌群降低至较低水平,而用自来水进行物理洗涤可能有助于大大降低蠕虫寄生虫感染的潜在风险。



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