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Combining mouse and keyboard events with higher level desktop actions to detect mild cognitive impairment




We present a desktop monitoring application that combines keyboard, mouse, desktop and application-level activities. It has been developed to discover differences in cognitive functioning amongst older computer users indicative of mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Following requirements capture from clinical domain experts, the tool collects all Microsoft Windows events deemed potentially useful for detecting early clinical indicators of dementia, with a view to further analysis to determine the most pertinent. Further requirements capture from potential end-users has resulted in a system that has little impact on users’ daily activities and ensures data security from initial recording of events through to data analysis. We describe two experiments: firstly, volunteers were asked to perform a short set of known tasks; the second (ongoing) experiment is a longitudinal study, with the software currently successfully running on participants’ computers.
机译:我们提出了一个结合了键盘,鼠标,桌面和应用程序级活动的桌面监控应用程序。已经开发出发现轻度认知障碍(MCI)的年长计算机用户之间认知功能的差异。在从临床领域专家那里获取需求之后,该工具将收集所有被认为可能对检测痴呆的早期临床指标有用的Microsoft Windows事件,以便进一步分析以确定最相关的事件。从潜在的最终用户那里捕获到的更多需求导致了该系统对用户的日常活动影响很小,并确保了从事件的初始记录到数据分析的数据安全性。我们描述了两个实验:首先,要求志愿者执行简短的已知任务;第二个(正在进行的)实验是一项纵向研究,该软件目前已在参与者的计算机上成功运行。


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