首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Effects of Seed Production, Seedbed Condition, and Overstory Basal Area on theEstablishment of Shortleaf Pine Seedlings in the Ouachita Mountains

Effects of Seed Production, Seedbed Condition, and Overstory Basal Area on theEstablishment of Shortleaf Pine Seedlings in the Ouachita Mountains




First-year seedlings establishment was determined across an array of seedbedconditions and overstory basal areas in stands of shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata Mill.) and hardwoods following the initial harvest implementing uneven-aged silviculture. Results indicate the importance of regulating overstory basal area in the application of uneven-aged silviculture in stands featuring short-leaf pine. When total overstory basal area was within the guidelines for uneven-aged stands (45 to 75 sq.ft.acre), seedbeds of mineral soil and partial and undisturbed litter resulted in ample regeneration even with seed crops that were slightly below regional averages. Composition of the overstory basal area apparently did not strongly affect initial seedling establishment in areas having sparse ground vegetation and should not be extended to longer time periods or other conditions.



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