首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Democratic Values of the Guatemala Peace Scholarship and CENTRO ESTNA SamplesDrawn from the Democratic Initiatives Monitoring System

Democratic Values of the Guatemala Peace Scholarship and CENTRO ESTNA SamplesDrawn from the Democratic Initiatives Monitoring System

机译:危地马拉和平奖学金的民主价值观和CENTRO EsTNa样本来自民主倡议监测系统



This report will provide an examination of the findings of the surveys ofparticipants in the Guatemalan Peace Scholarship Program (GPS) and the CENTRO ESTNA (ESTNA) program undertaken as part of the Democratic Initiatives Monitoring System (DIMS). It will also examine the relationship between the values elicited through the surveys and the strategic objectives of USAID/GUATEMALA/ODDT. The first section of this report describes the methodology followed, the second section describes the key variables that define democratic values for the two samples and the third section deals with the relationship of those values ot the stategic objective tree.



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