首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Status of Academic Libraries in the United States. Results from the 1994 Academic211 Library Survey with Historical Comparisons. Survey Report

Status of Academic Libraries in the United States. Results from the 1994 Academic211 Library Survey with Historical Comparisons. Survey Report

机译:美国高校图书馆的现状。 1994年学术图书馆211历史比较调查结果。调查报告



Two of the national education goals for the year 2000 emphasize the important211u001eroles played by resources and staff efforts of academic libraries. The nation's 211u001efourth education goal, which is concerned with the ongoing need for access to 211u001elearning resources for teachers and faculty members, and the nation's sixth 211u001eeducation goal, which speaks of lifelong learning, both stress the importance of 211u001emaintaining and improving the nation's academic libraries (National Education 211u001eGoals Panel, 1994). This report presents a description of the status of academic 211u001elibraries in 1994, a time of rapid technology related change and increased 211u001eintroduction of electronic services. The report presents detailed tabulations for 211u001e1994 and historical comparisons with previous years, with a focus on comparisons 211u001esince 1990. The data are from the 1994 Academic Library Survey (ALS), a part of 211u001ethe Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) of the United States 211u001eDepartment of Educations National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).



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