首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Upptaecktbathet med Bildfoerstaerkare av NIR-Filtrerad Stralining och av Vaermestralning (NVG-Visibility of NIR-Filtered Sources and of Thermal Radiation).

Upptaecktbathet med Bildfoerstaerkare av NIR-Filtrerad Stralining och av Vaermestralning (NVG-Visibility of NIR-Filtered Sources and of Thermal Radiation).

机译:Upptaecktbathet med Bildfoerstaerkare av NIR-Filtrerad stralining och av Vaermestralning(NVG-NIR-Filtered sources and Thermal Radiation的可见性)。



In this report a Night Vision Device with an extended sensitivity in the short wavelength band, a Gen III plus NVD, has been studied in two scenarios. In the first scenario the NVD range of detection has been calculated for a tungsten lamp with and without the filter for the night vision compatible lighting. Calculations show in the filtered case a reduction of about a factor 25 in detected intensity, i.e. a factor five in the range of detection. In the second scenario light from the sky and the moon reflected in a light green camouflage painted object is compared to emitted radiation from hot parts of the same object. Calculations show that a positive contrast is obtained when the hot parts reach a temperature of 300-400 deg C, which should be taken into account in the NVD signature control.



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