首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Final Report for: EPA: IAG No. DW-13-93903501-0 Expanding a Toll for Predicting Chloride Diffusivity in Concrete so it can be used by Manufacturers to Evaluate the Durability of Concrete Made with Blended Cements. Part I: Characterizing Blended Cement Ma

Final Report for: EPA: IAG No. DW-13-93903501-0 Expanding a Toll for Predicting Chloride Diffusivity in Concrete so it can be used by Manufacturers to Evaluate the Durability of Concrete Made with Blended Cements. Part I: Characterizing Blended Cement Ma

机译:最终报告:Epa:IaG No. DW-13-93903501-0扩大预测混凝土中氯离子扩散率的费用因此制造商可以用它来评估混凝土混凝土混凝土的耐久性。第一部分:混合水泥的表征



The models developed by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to predict the microstructure and ionic diffusivity of cement-based materials require experimental information in order to operate successfully. This information is not for providing empirical fits, but is for (1) measuring the fundamental properties of materials needed to accurately simulate the micro structural development, and for (2) validating model predictions of ionic diffusivities. The project summarized in this report is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) project on a fly ash (FA) blended cement material. A similar project on a blast furnace slag material, partially funded by the Center for Advanced Cement-Based Materials (ACBM), was simultaneously carried out in one experimental program. Since both programs were small monetarily (and had to be supplemented by NIST funds), this also allowed a single post-doctoral researcher to be hired to do both sets of work simultaneously. This report, however, only summarizes the work on a fly ash blended cement, as that was the goal of the EPA funding. The title states 'Part 1,' since there is clearly more work needed, as will be made clear throughout the report and in the conclusions.



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