首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Best Practices for Providing Traveler Information Services to Motorists at Rest Areas and Welcome Centers

Best Practices for Providing Traveler Information Services to Motorists at Rest Areas and Welcome Centers




The objective of this study was to look at what Kentucky and other states are doing to provide wireless Internet connectivity (i.e., Wi-Fi service) for motorists at rest areas, weigh stations, and truck rest havens, and to identify technologies and best practices that may have applicability to Kentucky. A secondary objective was to look at the use of kiosks to provide traveler information in rest areas and welcome centers. Information was gathered through a literature review, Internet searches, and telephone interviews with public officials in numerous states. The study identified 18 states that are providing (or have provided) Wi-Fi service to travelers at rest areas and/or welcome centers. Four states were identified for case studies. Based on the information gathered and analysis of the case studies, conclusions and recommendations for Kentucky were developed and presented.



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