首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Finding of No Significant Change. Proposed Sediment Fill and Reapplication of Rotenone in Bonita Creek

Finding of No Significant Change. Proposed Sediment Fill and Reapplication of Rotenone in Bonita Creek

机译:找不到重大变化。 Bonita Creek中鱼藤酮的沉积物填充和再利用



The Bureau of Reclamation has issued a Revised Supplement (Reclamation 2010) to the Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) on Native Fish Restoration in Bonita Creek, Gila Box Riparian National Conservation Area, Graham County, Arizona (Reclamation and Bureau of Land Management 2007). Released in February 2007, the and associated Reclamation Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI; Reclamation 2007) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) FONSI/Decision Record (BLM 2007) considered the environmental effects of the Bonita Creek native fish restoration project, which involved construction of a fish barrier, one-time use of rotenone (CFT Legumine) to eradicate nonnative fishes, salvage of native resident fishes including endangered Gila chub, and repatriation of four species of federally-listed fish (Gila topminnow, desert pupfish, loach minnow, and spikedace) within a 1.7-mile reach of lower Bonita Creek. The 2007 EA, however, did not consider the possible effects for additional use of rotenone after the federally-listed fish species were stocked into the stream.



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