首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Study of KDOT Policy on Lane and Shoulder Minimum Width for Application of Centerline Rumble Strips, Technical Summary.

Study of KDOT Policy on Lane and Shoulder Minimum Width for Application of Centerline Rumble Strips, Technical Summary.




The objectives of the research were: (1) to obtain updated information on DOTs' policies and guidelines for installation of centerline rumble strips (CLRS) in the United States in order to identify current practices; (2) to verify the before-and-after safety effectiveness of CLRS currently installed in Kansas; (3) to determine if CLRS cause levels of exterior noise that can disturb nearby residents and propose a minimum distance from houses for installation of CLRS in Kansas; (4) to estimate the effects of CLRS on vehicles' operational speed and lateral position and to verify it if is safe to install CLRS on sections on highways with narrow shoulders; and (5) provide recommendations of when it is beneficial to install rumble strips, given known values of traffic volume, shoulder width, and the presence of other types of rumble strips.



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