首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Development of Livestock, Agriculture and Water Supplies in Botswana Before Independence: A Short History and Policy Analysis

Development of Livestock, Agriculture and Water Supplies in Botswana Before Independence: A Short History and Policy Analysis




Colonial Botswana's subordination of its water supply and agricultural sectors toward increasing livestock production resulted in stagnant agricultural production levels lasting until its independence in 1966. This report serves as a policy context for rural development efforts in Botswana, formerly Bechuanaland, by listing and analyzing the major factors from 1895 to 1965 that affected its livestock, water supply, and agricultural sectors. During this period, livestock production was the Batswana's major source of trade income, despite the problems of disease, limited grazing areas (due to water scarcity), and a lack of sustained sales--the latter due largely to periodic South African cattle embargoes and weight/supply restrictions.



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