首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Mapping Bedrock Surface Contours Using the Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Radio (HVSR) Method Near the Middle Quarter Area, Woodbury, Connecticut.

Mapping Bedrock Surface Contours Using the Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Radio (HVSR) Method Near the Middle Quarter Area, Woodbury, Connecticut.

机译:使用水平 - 垂直光谱无线电(HVsR)方法在康涅狄格州伍德伯里市中心区附近绘制基岩表面轮廓。



The bedrock surface contours in Woodbury, Connecticut, were determined downgradient of a commercial zone known as the Middle Quarter area (MQA; fig. 1) using the novel, noninvasive horizontal-to-vertical (H/V) spectral ratio (HVSR) passive seismic geophysical method. Boreholes and monitoring wells had been drilled in this area to characterize the shallow subsurface to within 20 feet (ft) of the land surface, but little was known about the deep subsurface, including sediment thicknesses and depths to bedrock (Starn and Brown, 2007; Brown and others, 2009). Improved information on the altitude of the bedrock surface and its spatial variation was needed for assessment and remediation of chlorinated solvents that have contaminated the overlying glacial aquifer that supplies water to wells in the area.



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