首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Resumption of Exploratory Drilling Operations by Texaco, Inc.: State Oil and Gas Lesses - PRC 2725.1 (Jade Prospect), PRC 2206.1 (Anita Prospect), PRC 2955.1 (Refugio Prospect), Santa Barbara County. Final Environmental Impact Rep

Resumption of Exploratory Drilling Operations by Texaco, Inc.: State Oil and Gas Lesses - PRC 2725.1 (Jade Prospect), PRC 2206.1 (Anita Prospect), PRC 2955.1 (Refugio Prospect), Santa Barbara County. Final Environmental Impact Rep

机译:德士古公司恢复勘探钻井作业:国家石油和天然气损失 - 中国2725.1(玉石勘探),中国2206.1(anita勘探),中国2955.1(Refugio勘探),圣巴巴拉县。最终环境影响代表



An update is presented on air quality conditions in Santa Barbara County, Califorina. Data on photochemical oxidants (measured as ozone), nitrogen dioxide, sulfide dioxide, carbon monoxide, and total suspended particulates are included. Also included are the comments received during the public review and during the public hearing on the Draft Environmental Impact Report on Texaco, Inc.'s proposed Resumption of Exploratory Drilling Operations, State Oil and Gas Leases PRC 2725.1, PRC 2206.1 and PRC 2955.1, responses to these written and oral (hearing) comments, and a modification to the Draft EIR Air Quality Setting section, incorporating updated ambient air quality data. This volume, when added to the Draft Environmental Impact Report, constitutes the Final Environmental Impact Report in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State Lands Commission's regulations implementing CEQA. (ERA citation 08:013101)




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