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Chemistry of Early Self-replicating Systems




The NASA Specialized Center of Research and Training in Exobiology (NSCORT/Exobiology) is a program within the University of California, San Diego, California Space Institute (Dr. Wolfgang Berger, Director). It has been funded by two 5-year Federal Demonstration Project Grants from NASA; and currently (February 1, 2003-December 31,2004) received supplemental funding to support our research completion of the NAG5-4546 Final Report for past 5 years, seminars, public lectures, and support for program administrative office. The program's specific aims have been: (1) The support and training of Postdoctoral, Graduate, and Undergraduate Fellows in Exobiology; (2) The support of research by the Principal Investigators and Fellows in the field of Exobiology; (3) Outreach programs emphasizing the dissemination and exchange of information concerning Exobiology within the scientific community, primary, secondary and college students, and the general public; (4) Public Lectures, Discussion S e m h q Seminars and Fellows Journals Club; (5) Host of the 2003 Public Lectures 'Celebrating 50 Years of Prebiotic Chemistry' held at the University of California, San Diego in La Jolla, California on June 10,2003; (6) Host of the 1999 meeting of the International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life (ISSOL) held at the University of California, San Diego in La Jolla, California, from Sunday, July 11 through Friday, July 16,1999.



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