首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Determinacao de Campos de Ventos a Partir Do Deslocamento de Nuvens Em Sequencias de Imagens de Satelites Geoestacionarios (Determination of Wind Fields from Cloud Displacement in a Sequence of Geostationary Satellite Images)

Determinacao de Campos de Ventos a Partir Do Deslocamento de Nuvens Em Sequencias de Imagens de Satelites Geoestacionarios (Determination of Wind Fields from Cloud Displacement in a Sequence of Geostationary Satellite Images)




Wind fields are sets of vectors which indicate the speed and direction of the wind in a certain region. They can be obtained through cloud tracking in a sequence of geostationary meteorological satellite images. A system under development at INPE for low cloud wind estimation in sequences of images of the GOES-W satellite is described. This system will be used in data acquisition for numerical weather prediction and in the analysis of individual synoptic situations. The relevant characteristics of the existing systems for cloud wind extraction are described, and the modules belonging to the system under development are referred to in detail.



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