首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Analytical Method of Approximating the Motion of a Spinning Vehicle with Variable Mass and Inertia Properties Acted Upon by Several Disturbing Parameters.

Analytical Method of Approximating the Motion of a Spinning Vehicle with Variable Mass and Inertia Properties Acted Upon by Several Disturbing Parameters.

机译:作者:张莹莹,王汝传,王。,机械设计与制造maCHINERY DEsIGN&maNUFaCTURE几种扰动参数对变质量和惯性特性的旋转车辆运动逼近的解析方法。



An analytical method has been developed which approximates the dispersion of a spinning symmetrical body in a vacuum, with time-varying mass and inertia characteristics, under the action of several external disturbances-initial pitching rate, thrust misalignment, and dynamic unbalance. The ratio of the roll inertia to the pitch or yaw inertia is assumed constant. Spin was found to be very effective in reducing the dispersion due to an initial pitch rate or thrust misalignment, but was completely Ineffective in reducing the dispersion of a dynamically unbalanced body.



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