首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Building an electronic book on the Internet: ''CSEP -- an interdisciplinary syllabus for teaching computational science at the graduate level''

Building an electronic book on the Internet: ''CSEP -- an interdisciplinary syllabus for teaching computational science at the graduate level''




The Computational Science Education Project was initiated in September 1991, by the Department of Energy to develop a syllabus for teaching interdisciplinary computational science. CSEP has two major activities. The writing and maintenance of an electronic book (e-book) and educational outreach to the computational science communities through presentations at professional society meetings, journal articles, and by training educators. The interdisciplinary nature of the project is intended to contribute to national technological competitiveness by producing a body of graduates with the necessary skills to operate effectively in high performance computing environments. The educational outreach guides and supports instructors in developing computational science courses and curricula at their institutions. The CSEP e-book provides valuable teaching material around which educators have built. The outreach not only introduces new educators to CSEP, but also establishes a synergistic relationship between CSEP authors, reviewers and users.



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